
Prof. KING Kuo Chin Irwin Elected IEEE Fellows 2019

Prof. KING Kuo Chin Irwin, have been elected Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in the class of 2019, for his research contributions to “Theory and applications of machine learning in social computing”.

Prof. Jiaya Jia Elected IEEE Fellows 2018

Prof. Jiaya Jia have been elected Fellows of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in the class of 2018, for his remarkable accomplishments in “deblurring techniques in computational photography”.

CUHK Team Won the Champion in the HackUST 2017

Nigel Nicholas (CSE), Royce Santo (MAE), Tamara Yustian and Winnie Hiyadi Liu won the HackUST 2017, a 24-hour coding competition open to all university students/ alumni in the world and is the largest university hackathon in Asia.