CUHK Programming Team has achieved High Honors in the 48th ICPC World Finals
UG Student Has Been Awarded Silver Award from the ASMPT Technology competition 2024
UG Student Has Been Awarded Silver Award from the ASMPT Technology competition 2024
CUHK Programming Team Won the ACM-HK Programming Contest and Advanced to the ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) World Finals
CUHK Programming Team Won the ACM-HK Programming Contest and Advanced to the ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) World Finals
Academic Achievements Highly Recognized: Faculty and Students of CUHK’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering Receiving Accolades Repeatedly 中大計算機科學與工程學系 師生屢獲殊榮 學術成就備受肯定
Academic Achievements Highly Recognized: Faculty and Students of CUHK’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering Receiving Accolades Repeatedly 中大計算機科學與工程學系 師生屢獲殊榮 學術成就備受肯定
CUHK’s Computational Data Science Nurturing Interdisciplinary Talent to Embrace the Era of Big Data 中大計算數據科學學士課程 跨學科培養雙科專才 迎大數據時代
CUHK’s Computational Data Science Nurturing Interdisciplinary Talent to Embrace the Era of Big Data 中大計算數據科學學士課程 跨學科培養雙科專才 迎大數據時代
Talent Demand Surges amidst AI Boom: Competence in Computer Science and Data Science Creates Endless Opportunities熱潮帶動人才需求 精通計算機與數據科學機遇無限
Talent Demand Surges amidst AI Boom: Competence in Computer Science and Data Science Creates Endless Opportunities熱潮帶動人才需求 精通計算機與數據科學機遇無限
UG Student Has Been Awarded Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024
Congratulations to LEI Hei Tung for being awarded Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024.
UG Student Has Been Awarded IET Prize 2023
Congratulations to ZHU Houtian for being awarded IET Prize 2023.
UG Student Has Been Awarded the Hong Kong MingDe Outstanding University Students Election 2023
Congratulations to Chu Ming Kong for being awarded the Hong Kong Ming De Outstanding University Students Election 2023.
Professor HO Tsung-yi and Professor TAO Yufei Elected IEEE Fellows 2024
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
Prof. Qi Dou Received Funding Support From National Natural Science Foundation of China
Excellent Young Scientists Fund allows young scientists who have demonstrated achievements in basic research to conduct further research in areas of their choice, fostering intellectual development in academics.
CUHK Won First Prize in the Cloud Track of the Huawei ICT Competition
The team, Cloud Players, will represent the Asia-Pacific region in the global competition.
UG Students Have Been Awarded the Hong Kong Computer Society Student Sponsorship 2022
For their project “On Simultaneously Marching RaceTracks to Improve the Performance of RaceTrack-based Main Memory”.
Prof. Leo Jiaya Jia was Awarded the Best Innopreneur Award by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries
In recognition of his significant contribution to the advanced development of computer vision and machine learning technology, focusing specifically on image/video understanding.
Prof. Fung-yu Evangeline Young Elected IEEE Fellows for 2023
For contributions to electronic design automation in VLSI physical design.
Prof. Jimmy Lee Conferred Distinguished Fellow of the Hong Kong Computer Society 2022
To recognise members who have made an outstanding contribution to HKCS and the IT community, and significant achievements and standing in her/his area of work.
TAPE – an AI approach to Decipher Bio-sample Heterogeneity
Help in facilitating the development of precision medicine.
Prof Qi Dou Received NSFC Young Scientists Fund 2022
The NSFC Young Scientists Fund supports young scholars as they carry out basic research in areas of their choice, enhancing their ability to conduct innovative projects independently and fostering the promotion of young scientists.
Prof. Hong Xu received the Best Paper Award from ACM SIGCOMM 2022
Prof. Hong Xu received the award for the paper “Software-defined Network Assimilation: Bridging the Last Mile Towards Centralized Network Configuration Management with NAssim”.
Prof. Michael Rung-Tsong Lyu Elected Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences Fellows 2021
Prof. Michael Lyu is a world-renowned scholar in software reliability engineering. His research areas include software reliability, distributed systems, services computing, machine learning, and AI.
Engineering Robotics Teams Captures Championship in Robocon Hong Kong Contest
CUHK Golden Striker takes the crown.
The Artifice of Eternity: Irwin King’s Ponderings on Man and Machine
The quest for intelligence sent King on a journey in artificial intelligence and machine learning, lasting more than three decades.
AI Technology Navigates Microrobot Swarm in Complex Environments Inside Human Body
An AI navigation system that can make millions of microrobots autonomously reconfiguring their motion and distribution according to environmental changes.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Adopts Department-based Admission to Help Students Chart a Clear Development Path
中大計算機科學與工程學系獨立收生 助學生制定清晰發展路向
Computational Data Science Programme Integrates Knowledge of Statistics and Computer Science to Cultivate Interdisciplinary Talents
中大計算數據科學學士課程 糅合統計學與計算機科學知識 培養跨學科專才