MPhil – PhD in Computer Science and Engineering

The Division of Computer Science and Engineering offers a part-time and full-time articulated M.Phil.-Ph.D. program in Computer Science and Engineering. This programme consists of two research oriented streams: M.Phil. and Ph.D. All full-time research students will receive Studentships during their normative study period.

The Programme is research-oriented. For the M.Phil. stream, the normative period of full-time study is 2 years.  For the Ph.D. stream, the normative period for full-time study is 3 years for students with a research master’s degree and 4 years for students without a research master’s degree. All students in the Ph.D. stream will be admitted initially with a ‘pre-candidacy’ status. Upon satisfying the division’s candidacy requirements (coursework requirement, candidacy examination, and thesis proposal and oral defence), a student will be allowed to progress to the ‘post-candidacy’ status.

Please refer to other sections of this website for our research activities. We have many research groups that are very active and of sizes critical for discussion and information assimilation. Our graduates distinguish themselves in their careers or further studies both locally and overseas.

Admission of the M.Phil.-Ph.D. programme in Computer Science and Engineering is divided into two phases; the Early Admission (April – July) and Regular Admission (September – March). If you are applying our Ph.D. Programme, you are encouraged to apply for the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme which provides a monthly stipend of HK$28,100.




Disclaimer: All M.Phil. and Ph.D. program applicants must submit their applications directly through the official admission system. Payments to third-party agents for submission services are neither required nor endorsed by the department. Every application will undergo a meticulous selection process.