UG Student Has Been Awarded Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024

LEI Hei Tung, an undergraduate Computer Engineering (CE) student from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, received the Bronze Award at the Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024 in the Sustainability & ESG Track for her project. The award-winning project, supervised by Dr. SUM Kwok Wing Anthony, features an innovative Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) headband designed to empower individuals with disabilities. This headband allows users to monitor their health conditions and utilize brainwave commands for various digital tasks, such as composing messages and controlling home appliances.

The Hong Kong Techathon+ is co-organized by HKSTP and 13 leading universities and institutions in Hong Kong to encourage innovators to embrace the challenge with innovative vibes. The event was held on 26-28 January 2024.
