Mr. Zibin Zheng and Mr. Yilei Zhang Received Best Student Paper Award in ICWS 2010

Mr. Zibin Zheng and Mr. Yilei Zhang, two Ph.D. students supervised by Prof. Michael R. Lyu, won the best student paper award in the 8th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2010, see The paper is titled “Distributed QoS Evaluation for Real-World Web Services”. ICWS is a prime international conference in service computing. A total of 221 papers were submitted to the conference this year, and two paper awards were given. The CUHK paper won the only best student paper award.

The paper was awarded for its contributions on large-scale real-world Web service evaluation and large-scale research dataset publication. Quality-of-Service (QoS) is widely employed for describing non-functional characteristics of Web services. Although QoS of Web services has been investigated in a lot of research works, there is a lack of real-world Web service QoS datasets for validating new QoS based techniques and models of Web services. To study the performance of real-world Web services as well as to provide reusable research datasets for promoting the research of QoS-driven Web services, the paper conducted several large-scale evaluations on real-world Web services. Firstly, addresses of 21,358 Web services were obtained from the Internet. Then, invocation failure probability performance of 150 Web services was assessed by 100 distributed service users. After that, response time and throughput performance of 5,825 Web services were evaluated by 339 distributed service users. Detailed experimental results were presented in the paper and comprehensive Web services QoS datasets were published online for future research.