Dr. Qi DOU won the HKIS-TOWNGAS Young Scientist Award 2018 and CUHK Postgraduate Research Output Award 2017

Congratulations to Dr. Qi DOU won the HKIS-TOWNGAS Young Scientist Award 2018 and CUHK Postgraduate Research Output Award 2017.

The HKIS-TOWNGAS Young Scientist Award is to reward young scientists and engineers in Hong Kong who show great promise in their field of study, with the hope that this will nurture the growth of science and technology in the region. The Awards are open to all postgraduate research students who are pursuing M.Phil. or Ph.D. degree in any of the tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. Those who have graduated recently (within 2 years of graduation) are also eligible. This year, a total of 67 applicants participated the field of Engineering Science, which made this candidate pool very competitive. Dr. Qi DOU won this award by presenting her fruitful research works in artificial intelligence for medical image computing.

Dr. Qi DOU has also won the CUHK Postgraduate Research Output Award 2017, which selects one outstanding postgraduate each year from the Faculty of Engineering. The award was presented by the Vice-Chancellor at the 85th Congregation in Nov 2018.