Bei Yu

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
M.E. (Tsinghua), Ph.D. (Texas)

Resume/CV (as of July, 2024)

“If I knew what I was doing, it wouldn't be called research.” - Albert Einstein.


I'm an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a member of Deep Vision Lab and EDA Center. My research interests include machine learning and deep learning with applications in electronic design automation (EDA) and computer vision (more about my research). I'm serving as the Editor of IEEE TC-CPS Newsletter, as TPC Co-Chair of ACM/IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD (MLCAD) 2019, in the program committees of DAC, ICCAD, DATE, ASPDAC, ISPD, and in the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), and Integration, the VLSI Journal.

I am always looking for motivated graduate students with background in computer science, microelectronics, electronic engineering, or mathematics, working on research fields of 1) hardware friendly computer vision; and/or 2) machine learning in EDA. Besides, currently my group has 1-2 post-doc positions in research field of machine learning in EDA.

Asking for Recommendation Letters? Please read these conditions and details.

Some recent presentation slides:

  • Large Language Model in EDA” (pdf)

  • EDA for AI Chip Designs” (pdf)

  • Large Scale VLSI Mask Optimization” (pdf)

  • Hardware Friendly Computer Vision” (pdf)

  • Machine Learning in EDA” (2023-pdf) (2021-pdf)

  • Placement in Advanced Technology Nodes” (pdf)


A curated paper list of AI x EDA research.


E-mail: byu[at]
Phone: (852)-3943-8435 (hardly reachable, email better)
Fax: (852)-2603-5024
Office: Rm907, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building (map: by-walking; by-shuttle)
Consultation Hours: Thursday 14:30–16:30 (by appointment or Zoom:

Recent News

  • Jul/2024: Research Grants Council (RGC) Research Fellow Scheme 2024-25. (CUHK-news)

  • Jul/2024: Binwu Zhu (PhD, 2024) will join Southeast University, as a tenure-track Associate Professor. Congratulations!

  • Jul/2024: Congratulations to Siting Liu for winning the Best PhD Dissertation Poster Award at CCF DAC 2024. (photo)

  • Jun/2024: DAC 2024 Under-40 Innovator Award. (photo) (CSE-news)

  • Mar/2024: Congratulations to Yuan Pu and all co-authors, our paper on Incremental Macro Placement receives Best Paper Award Nomination at ISPD 2024! (photo)

  • Feb/2024: 17 papers accepted by DAC 2024.

  • Jan/2024: Serving as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD).

  • Dec/2023: Congratulations to Fangzhou and Wuqian, we won “Qilin Cup” (top-1 from all 400+ teams) from the Integrated Circuit EDA Elite Challenge 2023! (winner-list) (CSE-news) (photo1) (photo2) (photo3)

  • Oct/2023: ICCAD-2023 Panel on ‘‘LLM-Aided Design’’, in the panelists. (slides) (photo)

  • Oct/2023: Top 2% Scientists Worldwide 2023 by Stanford University. (link)

  • Aug/2023: Visiting Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University. (THU-News) (link)

  • Jul/2023: 8 papers accepted by ICCAD 2023.

  • Jul/2023: Keynote talk at ChinaSys 2023, with title ‘‘Large Scale VLSI Mask Optimization’’. (slides) (photo)

  • Jul/2023: Invited lecturer at Peking University summer school, with title ‘‘EDA for AI Chip Designs’’. (slides) (photo)

  • Jul/2023: Qi Sun (PhD, 2022) will join Zhejiang University, as a ZJU100 Young Professor. Congratulations!

  • Jul/2023: Jianwang Zhai (visiting student, 2020–2022) will join Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Congratulations!

  • Jun/2023: Congratulations to Dr. Haoyu Yang and all co-authors, our paper on pattern generation receives Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing! (IEEE TSM webpage) (CUHK-CSE news) (CUHK-Engineering news) (photo1) (photo2)

Selected Awards

Best Paper Award IEEE TSM 2022
Best Paper Award DATE 2022
Best Paper Award ICCAD 2021
Best Paper Award ASPDAC 2021
Best Paper Award Integration, VLSI Journal 2018
Best Paper Award ISPD 2017
Best Paper Award ICCAD 2013
Best Paper Award ASPDAC 2012
Best Student Paper Award ICTAI 2019
Best Student Paper Award SPIE 2016
Best Paper Award Nomination ISPD 2024
Best Paper Award Nomination ASPDAC 2023
Best Paper Award Nomination MLCAD 2022
Best Paper Award Nomination DATE 2021
Best Paper Award Nomination ASPDAC 2019
Best Paper Award Nomination DAC 2014
Best Paper Award Nomination ASPDAC 2013
Best Paper Award Nomination ICCAD 2011
Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) RGC 2024
Under-40 Innovator Award DAC 2024
Distinguished Lecturer IEEE CEDA 2024
Mid-Career Award IEEE TCSDM 2022
Ernest S. Kuh Early Career Award IEEE CEDA 2022
Meritorious Service Award ACM SIGDA 2021
Outstanding Dissertation Award EDAA 2014
Outstanding Students Abroad Award China Scholarship Council 2014
SPIE Scholarship SPIE 2013
IBM Ph.D. Scholarship IBM 2012
1st Place Award in CAD Contest ICCAD 2015
2nd Place Award in CAD Contest ICCAD 2018
2nd Place Award in CAD Contest ICCAD 2013
2nd Place Award in CAD Contest ICCAD 2012
3rd Place Award in CAD Contest ICCAD 2022
3rd Place Award in ISPD Contest ISPD 2020
3rd Place Award in ISPD Contest ISPD 2017
2nd Place Award in ICDAR Competition ICDAR 2021

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