

API Description
getRelatedPeople(people_name,[reuqired_page]) Return a list of people whose name is related with people_name
getRelatedCompany(company_name) Return a list of companies whose name is related with company_name
getRelatedPeople(people_name1, people_name2, [including_people_list, excluding_people_list]) Return 2 list of people whose name is related with people_name1 and people_name2
getRelatedCompany(company_name1, company_name2, [including_company_list, excluding_company_list]) Return 2 list of companies whose name is related with company_name1 and company_name2

Information for people

API Description
getPersonObject(pid) return name, age, birthday, gender, hometown, introduction of the person
getPersonTimeline(pid, [duration, latest_event_number]) return timeline of the person
getPersonSocialNetwork(pid, [school_mates, work_mates, fellow_townsmen, friends, duration, neighbour_number, layer]) return social network of the person according to the network type

Information for company

API Description
getCompanyObject(stock_id) return company register name, address, stock name, stock id, industry, revenue, stock return, performance
getCompanyTimeline(stock_id, [top_leaders, board members, duration]) return the timeline of employee changes in the company
getSocialNetwork(stock_id, [employees, company, sector, duration, neighbour_number, layer]) return social network of the company accroding to the network type

Graph analysis

API Description
getGraphStatistics(social_network_type) return radius, spectral_radius, average_clustering_coefficient, average_shortest_path_length, center, density, periphery, is_strongly_connected, number_of_strongly_connected_components, strongly_connected_components, is_weakly_connected, number_of_weakly_connected_components, weakly_connected_components
getGraphStatistics(social_network_type, unique_node_id) return closeness, betweenness, in_degree_centrality, out_degree_centrality, in_degree, out_degree, eccentricity
getShortestPath(pid1, pid2, [including_pid_list, excluding_pid_list]) return shortest path between two people
getShortestPath(stock_id1, stock_id2, [including_stock_id_list, excluding_stock_id_list]) return shortest path between two companies
getShortestPath(stock_id, pid, [including_stock_id_list, excluding_stock_id_list, including_pid_list, excluding_pid_list]) return shortest path between people and company
getRelationBridge(stock_id1, stock_id2, [duration]) return bridge between companies
getPeopleBridge(stock_id1, stock_id2, [duration]) return people who connect two companies
GetSubIndustyD(subIndustry) return colleges which alumnus are most common working in sub industry.
GetIndistryD(industry,top) return a list of colleges which alumnus are most common working in this industry.
GetCompanyDistribution(college,top) return the most common companies which are most alumnus of this college work in.
GetTitleDistribution(college,top) return a sorted list of title which alumnus of this college most get.

Social Networth

API Description
calculateSocialNetworth(social_network_type, unique_node_id, [pagerank, hits]) return social networth of people
findExpertCompanyInSectors(sector_list) return expert company in sectors
findExpertPeopleInSectors(sector_list) return expert people in sectors
findExpertPeopleInCompanies(company_list) return expert people in companies
findImportantCompaniesInSectors(sector_list) return important company in sectors
findImportantPeopleInSectors(sector_list) return important people in sectors
findImportantPeopleInCompanies(sector_list) return important people in companies


API Description
getPeopleTimelineSimilarityEvent(pid1, pid2, [pid_list,duration]) return the timeline similarity event between people
getPeopleTimelineSimilarityScore(pid1, pid2, [pid_list,duration]) return the timeline similarity score between people
getCompaniesTimelineSimilarityEvent(stock_id1, stock_id2, [stock_list, duration]) return the timeline similarity event between companies
getPeopleTimelineSimilarityScore(stock_id1, stock_id2, [stock_list, duration]) return the timeline similarity score between companies
getPeopleCompanyTimelineSimilarityEvent(stock_id, pid, [stock_list, pid_list, duration]) return the timeline similarity event between companies and people
getPeopleCompanyTimelineSimilarityScore(stock_id, pid, [stock_list, pid_list, duration]) return the timeline similarity score between companies and people

Social Media

API Description
crawlingPeopleRelatedWeiboOriginalPost(pid, person_name) extract people related original weibo post
crawlingCompanyRelatedWeiboOriginalPost(stock_id, company_name) extract company related original weibo post
crawlingRetweet(retweet_url, weibo_id) extract retweet of original weibo post
identifyWeiboPostRelatedWithPerson(weibo_id, pid) identify whether the weibo post is related with the person
identifyWeiboOriginalPostRelatedWithCompany(weibo_id, stock_id) identify whether the weibo post is related with the company
extractEntityFromWeiboPost(weibo_id) extract enetity from weibo post
identifyRelationBetweenEntitiesFromWeiboPost(weibo_id, entity1, entity2) return the relation between two entities
identifySentimentRelationBetweenEntitiesFromWeiboPost(weibo_id, entity1, entity2) return the sentiment relation between two entities
getWeiboPostSentiment(weibo_id) return the sentiment of weibo post
getP2PSentiment(pid1, pid2, [sentiment_indicator, duration]) return the sentiment relation between people
getC2CSentiment(stock_id1, stock_id2, [sentiment_indicator, duration]) return the sentiment relation between companies
getP2CSentiment(stock_id, pid, sentiment_indicator, duration) return the sentiment relation between people and companies
getTopSentimentWeiboPost(pid, [sentiment_indicate, duration, number_of_return_result]) return the top sentiment weibo post of people
getTopSentimentWeiboPost(stock_id, [sentiment_indicator, duration, number_of_return_result]) return the top sentiment weibo post of company


API Description
getCorrelationOfCompanyProfitsVSEmployeesDuration(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) return the correlation between company profits and employees' duration
getCorrelationOfCompanyProfitsVSEmployeesSocialNetworth(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) return the correlation between company profits and employees' social network
getCorrelationOfCompanyPerformanceVSEmployeesDuration(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) return the correlation between company performance and employees' duration
getCorrelationOfCompanyPerformanceVSEmployeesSocialNetworth(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) return the correlation between company performance and employees' social network
getCorrelationOfCompanyStockReturnVSEmployeesDuration(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) return the correlation between company stock return and employees' duration
getCorrelationOfCompanyStockReturnVSEmployeesSocialNetworth(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) return the correlation between company profits and employees' social network

Data Management

Data Schema


API Description
ifNewPersonExistInXML(person,information_list) whether the new person exist in the current data
addNewRecord(person,information_list, update_date, source) add new person
mergeNewPersonInXML(person, information_list, update_date, source) merge people's information in the current xml file
updatePerson(pid, information_list, update_date, source) update exist person's information


API Description
addNewCompany(company, information_list, update_date, source) add new company in xml file
addNewRecord(stcok_id, information_list, update_date, source) add new record in xml file
updateRecord(stock_id, information_list, update_date, source) update record in the xml file


Person page

API Description
showBasicInformation(pid) show the basic information of people
showPhoto(pid) show the photo of people
showSocialWorthTrend(pid, duration) show the social worth trend of people
showLifeMap(pid,[birth place, education, work]) show the life map of people
showTimeline(pid, [duration, event_number]) show the timeline event of people
showSchoolMates(pid, [duration, neighbour_number, layer]) show school mates social network of people
showWorkMateds(pid, duration, neighbour_number, layer) show work mates social network of people
showMultiSelectiveSocialNetwork(pid, [social_network_type, duration, neighbour_number, layer]) show social network of people accroding to user's selection
showMultiSelectiveSocialNetwork(pid, [social_network_type, duration, neighbour_number, layer]) show social network of people accroding to user's selection
showShortestPathP2P(person1, person2) show the shortest path between people
showShortestPathP2C(person, company) show the shortest path between people and company
showSimilarityP2P(person1, person2, [duration]) show the similarity between people
showSimilarityP2C(person, company, [duration]) show the similarity between people and company
showTopSentimentWeiboPost(pid, [sentiment, duration, post_number]) show the top sentiment weibo post of people
showSentimentTrend(pid, [duration]) show the sentiment trend of people

Comapny page

API Description
showBasicInformation(stock_id) show the basic information of company
showPhoto(stock_id) show the photo of company
showStockTrend(stock_id, duration) show the stock trend of the company
showPerformanceTrend(stock_id, duration) show the performance of the company
showLocationMap(stock_id) show the location map of the company
showTimeline(stock_id, [position_rank, event_number, duration]) show the timeline of the company
showEmployeesSocialNetwork(stock_id, [position_rank_list, duration, neighbour_number, layer]) show employees' social netowork in the company
showCompanySocialNetwork(stock_id, [duration, neighbour_number, layer]) show the social network of company
showMultiSelectiveSocialNetwork(stock_id, social_network_type, duration, neighbour_number, layer) show social network of company accroding to user's selection
showShortestPathC2C(company1, company2) show the shortest path between companies
showSimilarityC2P(company, person2, [duration]) show the similarity between company and people
showSimilarityC2C(company1, company2, [duration]) show the similarity between companies
showTopSentimentWeiboPost(stock_id, [sentiment, duration, post_number]) show the top sentiment weibo post of company
showSentimentTrend(stock_id, duration) show the sentiment trend of company


company related tables

API Description
db::companyinfor store company basic information
db::company_rank store company pagerank value
db::company_employee store company' employees of every year
db::relation_company store social network of company
db::relation_company_component store employees' basic information in the company
db::stock_return store company's stock return

people related tables

API Description
db::newdata_peopleinfor store people basic information from source2
db::newdata_people_edu store people education information from source2
db::newdata_people_work store people work information from source2
db::newdata_people_pagerank store people work information

social media

API Description
db::weibo_data_people store people related weibo origin post
db::retweet_people store people related weibo retweet post
db::weibo_data_company store people basic information from source2
db::retweet_company store company related weibo retweet post
projs/clans/docs/functions.txt · Last modified: 2014/02/12 17:59 by jfeng0     Back to top