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Table: store employees' basic information in the company

Table format

Field Type NULL Key Default Extra
id INT(11) the unique identifier of every record in this table
rcid1 INT(11) refer to id in relation_company
pid1 INT(11) person who worked in stock_id1 in relation_company
position_rank1 INT(11) the position rank of pid1 in stock_id1 in relation_company
pid2 INT(11) person who worked in stock_id1 in relation_company
rcid2 INT(11) refer to id in relation_company
position_rank2 INT(11) the position rank of pid2 in stock_id2 in relation_company
weight DOUBLE(20,10)
type VARCHAR(11) if type is t, it means this person worked in both company, if type is w, it means these two people used to be colleague, if type is e, it means these two people are alumni
year INT(11)

Record example

id rcid1 pid1 position_rank1 pid2 rcid2 position_rank2 weight type year
1 1 0 深发展A 1 金融 I01 银行业
2 2 200002 深万科A 3 房地产 J01 房地产开发与经营业
3 3 200003 深金田A 4 综合 M 综合类
4 4 0 深安达A 2 公用事业 F03 公路运输业
5 5 0 深原野A 4 综合 M 综合类
6 6 0 深振业A 3 房地产 J01 房地产开发与经营业
7 7 0 深达声 3 房地产 J01 房地产开发与经营业
8 8 0 深锦兴A 2 公用事业 G87 计算机应用服务业
9 9 0 深宝安A 4 综合 M 综合类
10 10 0 深华新A 6 商业 H21 商业经纪与代理业

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projs/clans/docs/dataset_db_relation_company_component.1390841802.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/28 00:56 by yoyoliliu     Back to top