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groupnews:data_mining_technical_committee_ieee_computational_intelligence_society: 1022 Hits
TC are to: (1) promote the research, development, education and understanding of data mining principles
signup:20130907-caregroup: 137 Hits
(康本園) to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). The bus schedule is available [[ 鐵大學站) to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). The bus schedule is available [[ ].
* Sundays and Public Holidays bus schedule is available [[
signup:20131117-fellowship: 94 Hits
* Sundays and Public Holidays bus schedule is available [[
home: 44 Hits
:irwinking07-1.jpg}} [[|{{ :veriguide_small_logo.png?50|VeriGuide}}]]... rwinking201404.png}} [[|{{ :veriguide_small_logo.png?50|VeriGuide}}]]... 60 |:jc7a9742.jpg}} [[|{{ :veriguide_small_logo.png?50|VeriGuide}}]]... 70 |:img_0008.jpg}} [[|{{ :veriguide_small_logo.png?50|VeriGuide}}]]
signup:20140330-soakingdinner: 25 Hits
(康本園) to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). The bus schedule is available [[ 鐵大學站) to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). The bus schedule is available [[ ].
* Sundays and Public Holidays bus schedule is available [[
teaching:csci2100:2015: 22 Hits
===== Discussion forum =====
[[ check your scores at the [[|ranking]] page.
-... check your scores at the [[|ranking]] page.
-... check your scores at the [[|ranking]] page.
presentations:home: 22 Hits
====== Research Group Presentation Schedule ======
[ [[:presentations:2013t1]] | [[:prese... ons:dl-rnn1.pptx|}} | [[|ELEG5040 Notes]]... Hongyi Zhang | [[|Communi... | | | | |
| Mar. 11 | [[|nomad
people:home: 19 Hits
ople:lamchofung.jpg?70 |}} [[|Cho Fung LAM]] (Fung), Research Assis... 1. Machine Learning, Data Mining, Dimensionality reduction
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[Peo... logy, Finland\\ Machine learning, dimensionality reduction, visualization, matrix factorization\\ April... },
url =
signup:20131129-thanksgiving: 19 Hits
(康本園) to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). The bus schedule is available [[ 鐵大學站) to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). The bus schedule is available [[ ].
* Sundays and Public Holidays bus schedule is available [[
teaching:csci2100:2014: 17 Hits
</hi>. <hi red>**IMPORTANT & URGENT**</hi> The schedule of make-up exam for students who did not solve ... are sent to your email ( If you have time conflict or other issues, p... an find the original files [[|here]]. We've combined... You can check the ranking [[|here]].
- <hi yell
signup:20140426-shatincgdinner: 14 Hits
(康本園) to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). The bus schedule is available [[ 鐵大學站) to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). The bus schedule is available [[ ].
* Sundays and Public Holidays bus schedule is available [[
sidebar: 11 Hits
- [[teaching|Teaching]]
- [[education|Education Excellence]]
- [[software|Dem... b:home|WISC Lab]]
* [[|VeriGuide Project]]
* [[:clans|CLANS]]
* [...|VIEW Lab]]
* [[|CUHK MoE Microsoft Key Lab]]
====== ... /|APNNA]]
* [[|Caltech Alumni A
people:connie_yuen: 10 Hits
ic (LF APAC)\\
Research Fellow, [[|INTI International University]], Malaysia.\\
... ent of Applied Data Science,
[[|Hong Kong Shue Yan University]], Hong Kong.\\
Fo... air, ISRAI2023]],[[|Publication Chair, PT2023]]\\
B.Sc., M.Phil. ([[|CityU HK]]), Ph.D. ([[|CUHK]]), AWS Academy E