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signup:20130609-fellowship: 128 Hits
Salad ^ Main Dish ^ Pasta ^ Fruits ^ Desserts ^ Soup ^ Drinks ^ </doodle> ~~DISCUSSION:off~~ ~~DISCUS
signup:20130907-caregroup: 111 Hits
====== Sign-up for Shatin Care Group @ The King's ====== ~~DISCUSSION ON~~ ===== Shatin Care Group =... nks!**</fs> \\ \\ <doodle 20130907 Shatin Care Group> ^ Appetizer ^ Salad ^ Main Dish ^ Pasta ^ Fruits ^ Desserts ^ Soup ^ Drinks ^ </doodle> ~~DISCUSSION:off~~ ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~
signup:20130816-afternoontea: 22 Hits
====== Sign-up for Afternoon Tea ====== ~~DISCUSSION ON~~ ===== Afternoon Tea ===== * **Date**: Th... ^ Buy Items ^ Prepare Items ^ Cook ^ Clean-up ^ </doodle> ~~DISCUSSION:off~~ ~~DISCUSSION:clo
signup:20130728-fellowship: 20 Hits
Salad ^ Main Dish ^ Pasta ^ Fruits ^ Desserts ^ Soup ^ Drinks ^ Others ^ </doodle> ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
signup:20140426-shatincgdinner: 18 Hits
====== Sign-up for the Shatin Care Group Dinner @ The King's ====== ~~DISCUSSION ON~~ ===== Program ... fter the bridge over the MTR railroad and then go up the Campus Circuit Road to get to Residences No. ... (三、四苑). It should be about HKD $25. See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}. * **Driving** ... 7|Google Map of King's flat.]] * {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|Direction to King's flat.}}
signup:20140504-summerkickoff: 15 Hits
====== Sign-up for the Summer Kick-off Party @ The King's ====== ~~DISCUSSION ON~~ ===== Program ===... fter the bridge over the MTR railroad and then go up the Campus Circuit Road to get to Residences No. ... (三、四苑). It should be about HKD $25. See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}. * **Driving** ... 7|Google Map of King's flat.]] * {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|Direction to King's flat.}}
signup:20131117-fellowship: 14 Hits
====== Sign-up for CSM Facilitator Fellowship Night @ The King's ====== ~~DISCUSSION ON~~ ===== Wors... Food**: * Let's make it simple--how about soup, salad, and pasta! * **Spouses and children wel... Salad ^ Main Dish ^ Pasta ^ Fruits ^ Desserts ^ Soup ^ Drinks ^ </doodle> ~~DISCUSSION:off~~ ~~DISCUS
signup:20140330-soakingdinner: 14 Hits
====== Sign-up for the Soaking + Dinner @ The King's ====== ~~DISCUSSION ON~~ ===== Program ===== ... fter the bridge over the MTR railroad and then go up the Campus Circuit Road to get to Residences No. ... (三、四苑). It should be about HKD $25. See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}. * **Driving** ... 7|Google Map of King's flat.]] * {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|Direction to King's flat.}}
signup:20141213-thanksgivingfellowship: 14 Hits
====== Sign-up for the Thanksgiving Fellowship Day @ The King's ====== ~~DISCUSSION ON~~ ===== Progr... fter the bridge over the MTR railroad and then go up the Campus Circuit Road to get to Residences No. ... (三、四苑). It should be about HKD $25. See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}. * **Driving** ... 7|Google Map of King's flat.]] * {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|Direction to King's flat.}}
signup:20140927-farewell4mabel: 8 Hits
====== Sign-up for the CSM Dinner @ The King's ====== ~~DISCUSSION ON~~ ===== Program ===== * **Da... fter the bridge over the MTR railroad and then go up the Campus Circuit Road to get to Residences No. ... (三、四苑). It should be about HKD $25. See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}. * **Driving** ... 7|Google Map of King's flat.]] * {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|Direction to King's flat.}}
teaching:csci2100:2015: 8 Hits
erm! From left to right: YIU Man Chi (2nd Runner-up), HO Kwun Ting (Most Precise Coder), LI Danli (Ex... hen (Best Female Coder), WONG Ka Wing (3rd Runner-up), Prof. King, SU Jinhai (1st Runner-up), LAU Chi ... u can try submissions tomorrow when the server is up, hopefully before noon. - <hi yellow>**12 April... ap, i.e. the capacity of the heap is 100. We have updated the specification of Exercise 5.10 in the pr
signup:20131129-thanksgiving: 8 Hits
====== Sign-up for the CUHK Mandarin Fellowship's Thanksgiving Dinner @ The King's ====== ~~DISCUSSIO... Salad ^ Main Dish ^ Pasta ^ Fruits ^ Desserts ^ Soup ^ Drinks ^ </doodle> ~~DISCUSSION:off~~ ~~DISCUS
signup:20140525-csmdinner: 8 Hits
====== Sign-up for the CSM Dinner @ The King's ====== ~~DISCUSSION ON~~ ===== Program ===== * **Da... fter the bridge over the MTR railroad and then go up the Campus Circuit Road to get to Residences No. ... (三、四苑). It should be about HKD $25. See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}. * **Driving** ... 7|Google Map of King's flat.]] * {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|Direction to King's flat.}}
home: 1 Hits
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