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Class ShortestPathServer

Collaborate with ZhangZhi


a python server responses every URL request which contains 'shortestpath'. It returns a Json file shows the shortest path from source to target in a weighted graph G.



Json file:

Detail Information

  1. related modules:HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHander, ThreadingMixIn, urlParse


  1. ThreadHTTPServer.initDataset()
  2. ThreadHTTPServer.getData()
  3. ThreadHTTPServer.getCompanyDataSet()
  4. Handler.do_GET()
  5. Handler.calP(source,target)
  6. Handler.calC(source,target)
  7. Handler.writejson(path)
  8. Handler.writejson(cid1,cid2,pathList)

Flow Chat

  1. Main idea:
  2. - call initDataset() as long as the server running
  3. - after data is ready, call do_GET() function when receives an URL request.
  4. - In do_GET() function, the main idea is: extract source pid and target pid, then call Handler.calP(source,target) to get path list of pid, then call Handler.writejson(path) to generate json file. BaseHTTPRequestHandler.wfile.write(json file) to show result on browser.
  5. Add flow chat here
projs/clans/docs/sps.1390199073.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/20 14:24 by yoyoliliu     Back to top