Awards in our Technical Committee

Technical Achievement Award

The IEEE TCCPS Technical Achievement Award recognizes significant and sustained contributions to the cyber-physical system (CPS) community through the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCCPS). The award is based on the impact of high-quality research made by the awardee throughout the lifetime. It consists of a plaque and a citation.

  • Call For Nomination (pdf)

  • Nomination deadline: Dec. 08, 2024


  • 2023: Kang Shin, ‘‘For pioneering contributions to the theories and practices in cross-disciplinary, real-time, safe and secure cyber-physical systems.’’

  • 2022: John A. Stankovic, University of Virginia
    ‘‘For pioneering contributions to real-time systems, sensor networks, and smart health.’’

  • 2021: Giovanni De Micheli, EPFL,
    ‘‘For sustained contributions to smart sensors, wearable and implanted electronics, and cyber-medical systems.’’

  • 2020: Jamal Deen, McMaster University,
    ‘‘For exceptional contributions to foundational technologies for cyber physical systems.’’

  • 2019: Edward Lee, University of California at Berkeley,
    ‘‘For pioneering and fundamental contributions to the design, modeling and simulation of cyber-physical systems.’’

  • 2017: Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, University of California at Berkeley,
    ‘‘For pioneering contributions and leadership in cyber-physical systems and design automation.’’

Distinguished Leadership Award

The IEEE TCCPS Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes those individuals who have exhibited exemplary and substantive leadership of an extraordinary nature in implementing activities that support the cyber-physical system (CPS) community at the local, regional, national, and/or international level. The awardee is expected to make a distinguishing contribution to IEEE with “significant performance”. The award is based on volunteering for IEEE and the CPS community, instead of professional achievements. It consists of a plaque and a citation.

  • Call For Nomination (pdf)

  • Nomination deadline: Dec. 08, 2024


  • 2023: Insup Lee, ‘‘For exceptional contributions to establishing cyber-physical systems as a scientific discipline and continued growth of the community; for pioneering research and leadership in medical cyber-physical systems.’’

  • 2022: Feng Zhao, Tsinghua University and Eight Roads Ventures
    ‘‘For pioneering contributions to the theories and practices of cyber-physical systems and inspirations to upcoming researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs.’’

  • 2021: Wei Zhao, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology,
    ‘‘For providing extraordinary and significant leadership in support of the cyber-physical system community at the local, regional, national, and international level.’’

  • 2021: Jie Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen),
    ‘‘For outstanding technical contributions to sensing systems and distinguished leadership in developing the global cyber-physical systems community.’’

  • 2020: Rajesh Gupta, UCSD,
    ‘‘For contributions in the design and optimizations of built environments and its emergence as a core cyber-physical systems community.’’

  • 2020: Teng Long, Beijing Institute of Technology,
    ‘‘For excellent leadership on novel radar sensing and space-borne embedded information processing, as well as their societal impact, in cyber-physical systems.’’

  • 2018: Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada,
    ‘‘For distinguished leadership in cyber-physical-social system design, scalable data analytics and their societal impact.’’

  • 2017: Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University,
    ‘‘For pioneering contributions and leadership in the development and growth of the cyber-physical systems community.’’

Mid-Career Award

The IEEE TCCPS Mid-Career Award recognizes a mid-career researcher from either academia or industry who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to the field of cyber-physical system (CPS) in his/her career development. The award selection committee will particularly emphasize the significance and impacts of the research work led by the nominee. The award consists of a plaque and a citation.

  • Call For Nomination (pdf)

  • Nomination deadline: Dec. 08, 2024


  • 2023: Maria Laura Delle Monache, ‘‘For contributions to modeling and control of CPS Transportation systems.’’

  • 2021: Le Xie, Texas A&M University,
    ‘‘For contributions in modelling, analysis, and optimization of cyber physical energy systems.’’

  • 2020: Yiran Chen, Duke University,
    ‘‘For contributions to computing framework of learning-based cyber-physical systems.’’

  • 2019: Sanjit Seshia, University of California at Berkeley,
    ‘‘For fundamental contributions to formal methods for cyber-physical systems design and to cyber-physical systems education.’’

  • 2018: Alex Bayen, University of California at Berkeley,
    ‘‘For contributions to mobile sensing for infrastructure CPS.’’

  • 2018: David Atienza, EPFL,
    ‘‘For sustained contributions to thermal processor design and medical wearables.’’

Early-Career Award

The IEEE TCCPS Early-Career Award recognizes a junior researcher from either academia or industry who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to the field of cyber-physical system (CPS) in the early stage of his/her career development. The award selection committee will particularly emphasize the significance and impacts of the research work led by the nominee. The award consists of a plaque and a citation.

  • Call For Nomination (pdf)

  • Nomination deadline: Dec. 08, 2024


  • 2023: Alessandro Biondi, ‘‘For outstanding contributions to design and analysis methodologies for time-predictable, safe, and secure cyber-physical systems.’’

  • 2022: Pierluigi Nuzzo, University of Southern California
    ‘‘For outstanding works with high potential in high-assurance design and design automation of cyber-physical systems, including requirement analysis, architecture exploration, and contract-based design.’’

  • 2021: Yasser Shoukry, UC Irvine,
    ‘‘For contributions to the theory and design of safe learning-enabled cyber-physical systems.’’

  • 2020: Dorsa Sadigh, Stanford University,
    ‘‘For contributions to the theory, design, and implementation of human cyber-physical systems.’’

  • Finalist

  • 2019: Miroslav Pajic, Duke University,
    ‘‘For outstanding contributions to design and analysis methodologies for highassurance cyber-physical systems.’’

  • 2018: Rajiv Ranjan, Newcastle University,
    ‘‘For resource and data management models and methods in large-scale cyber physical systems.’’

  • 2018: Mohamed Al-Faruque, University of California at Irvine,
    ‘‘For outstanding contributions to energy-efficient and security-aware design automation methodologies of cyber-physical systems.’’

  • 2017: Qi Zhu, University of California at Riverside,
    ‘‘For outstanding contributions to design automation methodologies, algorithms and tools for cyber-physical systems.’’

Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award

The IEEE TCCPS Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award recognizes a conference or journal paper judged to be the most influential on research and industrial practice in cyber-physical system (CPS) over the past 10 years. The award consists of a plaque and a citation.

  • Call For Nomination (pdf)

  • Nomination deadline: Dec. 08, 2024


  • 2020: Qingchen Zhang, Chunsheng Zhu, Laurence T. Yang, Zhikui Chen, Liang Zhao, and Peng Li,
    ‘‘An Incremental CFS Algorithm for Clustering Large Data in Industrial Internet of Things’’,
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 13, No. 3, June 2017.

Industrial Technical Excellence Award

The IEEE TCCPS Industrial Technical Excellence Award recognizes a team of individuals who have conducted a substantive project which made exemplary contributions in terms of technology transfer of advanced cyber-physical system (CPS) technologies or the closely related enabling technologies at the national and/or international level. Through this project, the awardee is expected to make a distinguishing impact of technology transfer with documented evidence. The award consists of a plaque and a citation.

  • Call For Nomination (pdf)

  • Nomination deadline: Dec. 08, 2024


  • 2022: Xinping Guan, Cailian Chen, Bo Yang, Yazhou Yuan, Shanying Zhu, Qimin Xu, Yuan Lin, Yuxiong Xia
    ‘‘For the contribution to sensing-communication-control orchestrated design technologies for industrial cyber-physical systems and applications in smart manufacturing.’’

  • 2021: Jiazheng Lu, Chuanping Wu, Xunjian Xu, Baohui Chen, Jun Guo, Yu Liu,
    ‘‘For contribution to large-scale forecast and real-time monitoring of power transmission line wildfire in smart power cyber-physical systems.’’

  • 2020: Yonggang Wen, Xin Zhou, Linsen Dong, and Xiangwen Liu,
    ‘‘For development and deployment of an integrated sandbox solution with industry-grade digital twin and AIoT to optimize and automate data centre management and operations for business continuity and energy efficiency.’’

  • 2018: Wanxing Sheng, Yinghui Xu, Weizong Wu, Qianwei Liu, Jinli Wang, Bo Gao, and Shaoyuan Zhou,
    ‘‘For contributions in developing the key enabling technologies in power quality measurement, monitoring and control for cyber-physical distribution networks.’’

Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award

The IEEE TCCPS Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award recognizes outstanding Ph.D. dissertations which have contributed significantly to the advancement of theory and/or applications in cyber-physical systems. The award consists of a plaque and a citation.

  • Call For Nomination (pdf)

  • Nomination deadline: Dec. 08, 2024


  • 2023: Ang Li, Duke University,
    ‘‘For advancing scalable, efficient, and privacy-respecting AI technologies that revolutionize intelligent cyber-physical systems through innovative solutions and pioneering interdisciplinary research.’’

  • 2021: Hoang-Dung Tran, Vanderbilt University, for thesis ‘‘Verification of Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems,’’ August 2020,
    ‘‘For the application of star sets in the scalable verification of neural networks in cyber-physical systems.’’

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