- Table of Contents
- Contributors
- Forword by Alfred V. Aho
- Forword by Richard A. DeMillo
- Preface
- Introduction Chapter
- Content and Preface
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. Software Reliability and System Reliability
- Chapter 3. Software Reliability Modeling Survey
- Chapter 4. Techniques for Prediction Analysis and Recalibration
- Chapter 5. The Operational Profile
- Chapter 6. Best Current Practice of SRE
- Chapter 7. Software Reliability Measurement Experience
- Chapter 8. Measurement-Based Analysis of Software Reliability
- Chapter 9. Orthogonal Defect Classification
- Chapter 10. Trend Analysis
- Chapter 11. Field Data Analysis
- Chapter 12. Software Metrics for Reliability Assessment
- Chapter 13. Software Testing and Reliability
- Chapter 14. Fault-Tolerant Software Reliability Engineering
- Chapter 15. Software System Analysis Using Fault Trees
- Chapter 16. Software Reliability Simulation
- Chapter 17. Neural Networks for Software Reliability Engineering
- Apendix A. Software Reliability Tools
- Apendix B. Review of Reliabiltiy Theory, Analytical Techniques, and Basic Statistics
- Glossary and References
Included Software Reliability Tools and Data in the CD-ROM
- CASRE-- Computer Aided Software Reliability Estimation tool.
- SMERFS--- Statistical Modeling and Estimation of Reliability Functions for Software.
- AT&T SRE Toolkit--- AT&T Software Reliability Engineering Toolkit.
- SoftRel--- Software Reliability Process Simulation Tool.
- Data Directory--- Containing 45 industry project failure data sets.
- Full Download--- Download all contents of the CD in one file.