Deb & Graham's Farewell

Please indicate your name, how many are coming in ”( )”, and which date(s) you can come so that we will finalize the date in due course. Thanks!

20161009 Farewell
Real nameCan't ComeComingAppetizerDrinksFruitsDessertSideEntree
Kay 2016-10-03 14:31:05    2016-10-03 14:31:05 
Eva2016-10-03 18:41:24       
Veronica Cheung2016-10-03 20:36:30    2016-10-03 20:36:30  
Tammy 2016-10-03 22:37:42 2016-10-03 22:37:42    
Chloe 2016-10-03 23:30:59  2016-10-03 23:30:59   
Lisa 2016-10-04 09:43:07    2016-10-04 09:43:07 
Karen 2016-10-04 20:54:48    2016-10-04 20:54:48 
Sun-A 2016-10-05 15:29:26    2016-10-05 15:29:26 
Howard & Tina 2016-10-05 16:39:32     2016-10-05 16:39:32
Rudi 2016-10-05 20:46:21    2016-10-05 20:46:21 
Gretha 2016-10-05 20:48:062016-10-05 20:48:06     
Debbie 2016-10-07 18:18:20     2016-10-07 18:18:20
Graham 2016-10-07 18:19:13   2016-10-07 18:19:13  