CSCI5610 Advanced Data Structures

Offered by Yufei Tao, Spring 2022.

TA: Shiyuan Deng (sydeng@cse)

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[Lecture Notes][Exercises]

Brief Description

This course introduces advanced techniques for designing data structures with strong theoretical guarantees. Topics to be covered include (i) generic methods such as logarithmic rebuilding, weight balancing, partial persistence, tabulation, doubling dimension, locality sensitive hashing, etc., and (ii) specific structures such as the interval tree, the priority search tree, cuckoo hashing, the Euler-tour tree, the van Emde Boas structure, the suffix tree, etc.


News 9 (27 Apr): Zoom link of tomorrow's exam is here.

News 8 (11 Apr): The final exam will take place during 2-5pm, Apr 28. The scope covers Lectures 1-15, except Lecture 13.

News 7 (7 Apr): Quiz 3 will take place in the lecture of 14 Apr. The scope covers the Fibonacci heap, the union find structure, and the Euler-tour structure.

News 6 (18 Mar): Quiz 2 will take place in the lecture of 24 Mar (Thu). The scope covers cuckoo hashing and binomial heaps. The quiz will be 20 minutes long.

News 5 (3 Mar): Midterm will take place in the lecture of Mar 9 (Wed). The scope covers everything in Lecture 1-8. The exam time is 40 minutes.

News 4 (10 Feb): Midterm, Quiz 2, and Quiz 3 will take place in the lecture of Mar 9, 24, and Apr 7 Apr 14, respectively.

News 3 (10 Feb): Quiz 1 will take place in the lecture of Feb 17. The scope covers Lects 2-3 and the kd-tree of Lect 4. The quiz will be 20 minutes long.

News 2 (25 Jan): Our teaching will be Zoom-based until further notice.

News 1 (8 Jan): Hello, all.

Time and Venues


Wed: 14:30pm - 15:15pm
Room 405, William M W Mong Eng Bldg

Thu: 10:30am - 12:15pm
Room 402, Yasumoto Int'l Acad Park

Click here for a campus map.

Grading Scheme

In-Class Quiz 1: 5%
In-Class Quiz 2: 5%
In-Class Quiz 3: 5%
Midterm Exam: 35%
Final Exam: 50%

Style of Exams:
The instructor will generate a list of exercises without solutions. In the midterm and final exams, about 35% of the marks will come from problems taken from that list. The rest 65% will be new problems. In each exam, you can bring a single-sided, A4-sized, note sheet on which you can print/write anything useful.

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes are available here:


The notes are subject to revisions. Print wisely and avoid substantial re-printing.

Lecture Schedule

Lect 1
Overview and computation models

Lect 2
BST and 2-3 tree.

For more details of the BST, see this and that. For more details of the 2-3 tree, see this.

Lect 3
Interval tree and segment tree
Video (intv-tree)

Lect 4
kd-tree, bootstrapping, priority search tree, and range tree
Video (seg-tree, kd-tree)
Video (bootstrapping)
Video (pst, range-tree)

See this for solving recurrences

Lect 5
Global rebuilding and charging augments
Video (amortization)
Video (charging argument)

Lect 6
Logarithmic method

Lect 7
Weight balancing
Video 1
Video 2

Lect 8
Partial persistence
Video 1
Video 2

Lect 9
Dynamic perfect hashing

Read this for a short introduction to randomized algorithms.

Lect 10
Binomial and Fibonacci heaps
Video (binomial)
Video (fobonacci 1)
Video (fobonacci 2)

Lect 11
Union-find structure
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Lect 12
Euler-tour structure

Lect 13
Range min queries
Video 1
Video 2

Lect 14
van Emde Boas Structure
Video 1
Video 2

======= (End of the final exam's scope) =====

Lect 15
[Word length]
2D orthogonal range counting

Lect 16
The suffix tree

There will be no more lectures.


As mentioned, some exam problems will come from the exercises below.

List 1: Prob 1-4 in the exercise section of Lect 2 (see the lect notes).
List 2: Prob 1-6 of Lect 3 and Prob 1-4 of Lect 4.
List 3: Prob 7, 9, 10, 12 of Lect 4.
List 4: Prob 1-2 of Lect 5, Prob 2 of Lect 6.
List 5: Prob 1, 2, 4 of Lect 7.
List 6: Prob 1-5 of Lect 8.
List 7: Prob 1-4 of Lect 9.
List 8: Prob 1, 2, 4-7 of Lect 10.
List 9: Prob 1-4, 6, 7 of Lect 11.
List 10: Prob 4-7 of Lect 12.
List 11: Prob 1-2, Prob 6, 9, 10 of Lect 14.
List 12: Prob 1-4 of Lect 15.
There will be no more exercise lists.