
Dr. CHAU Chuck-jee 周卓之

PhD (CSE), MA (Music), MSc (CSE), BEng (CE), LRSM (Piano), ATCL (Percussion)

I started my post as a Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in 2018. I mainly work on fundamental service courses, as well as some introductory courses in the department. I have been away from CUHK for a dozen years for my postgraduate studies in HKUST researching in computer music, after finishing my undergraduate in CUHK Computer Engineering with a minor in Music.

With a passion in the blend of art and engineering, I created the courses AIST2010: An Introduction to Computer Music in 2019, and AIST3110: Music Information Retrieval in 2022. I also lead a few (computer) music related projects around. LinkedIn Profile Personal page

More at my technical blog on computer music research for Traditional Chinese readers: 電腦音樂研究筆記 Computer Music Research Notes


Here are some courses that I’m involved in.

Code Title Description
AIST1000 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning An introductory course for AIST major students, overviewing aspects and prospects of AI
2020T1 2021T1
AIST2010 Introduction to Computer Music An overview on multiple disciplines in the realm of computer music, including analysis/synthesis, visualization, music programming, music information retrieval, and algorithmic music generation. A strong programming component ensure students will be able to explore further after course completion.
2019T1 2020T1 2021T1 2022T1 2023T1 2024T1
AIST3110 Music Information Retrieval Music processing is an interdisciplinary research area where technology and art meets. We work on feature extraction and analysis in different time scales, including tempo and beat tracking, chord recognition, and structure analysis.
2022T2 2023T2 2024T2
CSCI2720 / ESTR2106 Building Web Applications Almost everything in full-stack web development, from raw HTML to the ME*N stack
2018T1 2019T2 2019S1 2020T2 2021T2 2022T1
CSCI3250 Computers and Society Discussions, visits, and student presentations covering all non-technical corners of computer and technology
2018T2 2019T2 2020T2 2021T2 2022T2
CSCI3251 Engineering Practicum Some fun with technical aspects for every CSE students in workshops and collaborative projects
2018T2 2019T2 2020T2 2021T2 2022T2
ECLT5830 Network and Web Programming An advanced internet programming course for fullstack developers in master level
2021T1 2022T1 2023T1 2024T1
ENGG1000 IT Foundation
(co-teaching, deprecated)
An introductory IT course for all non-Engineering students in CUHK on topics including security and literacy
2018T1 2018T2 2019T1 2019T2 2020T1 2020T2 2021T1
ENGG1003 Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking—P
An introductory IT course for all students in CUHK on topics including digital literacy and programming
2022T1 2023T1 2023T2 2024T1 2024T2
ENGG1110 Problem Solving with Programming
Bootstrap programming course for all Engineering students
2018T1 2019T1 2020T1 2021T1



Before joining CUHK, I held the post of Teaching Associate at the HK University of Science and Technology for some years. Here is a selection of courses I have been responsible for, especially in lab design and teaching:


Final Year Projects

Year Group Students
2024–25 CJC2401
Open Topic
HUI Wang Chi
Open Topic
CHEN Chun Hei
WONG Pak Kan
Open Topic
DU Chun Man
NG Chun To
Open Topic
LAM Tak Ai
LO Wing Fung
2023–24 CJC2302
Smart Music Teacher
* Accepted for oral presentation in UbiMus 2024, see video
* Collaboration with Parsons Music
CHENG Tsz Ying
MuseMixer: Personalising Orchestral Brilliance
HO Yuet Ching Sarah
SHIN Jaewon
Exploring Cover Song Identification using Music Information Retrieval Techniques
OR Tin Chun Timothy
WONG Yin Hei Ernest
Music to MIDI Piano Cover Generation
YIP Tin Yui
2022–23 CJC2202
Sensors for Piano Acoustic Measurement
* Collaboration with Parsons Music
LAU Yin Hoi
Exploring Music Information Retrieval
WAN Yee Ki
WONG Tsz Lung
2021–22 CJC2101
Music Visualization on Mobile App
LI Yan Lap
Deep Music Generation with GAN
TSO Ka Wing
WONG Wing Yan
2021–21 CJC2001
Music Re-orchestration Automation
LAI Jian Zhong
Musical Instrument Design
LAW Hei Yiu
2019–20 CJC1902
Musical Instrument Design
MAK Hoi Lam
YIP E Qiao
Guitar Virtual Instrument with Physical Modelling Synthesis
* Accepted for oral presentation in ICMC 2020, see video and demo site
HO Ka Wing
2018–19 CJC1801
Skill Matching Platform
CHAN Ka Wing
KWONG Lap Ting
Game development
YIP Tsz Hong

Projects I’m Leading

Technical Blog:
Computer Music Research Notes
Here we gather some efforts to talk about and explain computer music research topics in layman terms, for Traditional Chinese readers, at https://medium.com/computer-music-research-notes
Computer Music Development (CMD)
From Summer 2020, I’ve started some projects with the funding support by the Student Campus Work Scheme, and the NAC Campus Service Award.
Since helping with its foundation in 2005, I have been participating as performer from time to time in the Engineering Concert from time to time. Now I take the role of advisor for the organizing committee since 2019.

Other advising roles

Academic Advising
Providing advice for small groups of first-year students in the CSE department
NA Student-Oriented Teaching & Seminars (STOT)
Leading (curating) a small class of Year 1 students from all faculties from our college for discussions and presentations
NA Mentorship
I’m trying to be a mentor in New Asia College Mentorship scheme since 2019
CEFAR Academy
I served as an academic advisor for a few projects in the MSc FinTech programme on collaboration with industrial advisors from outside CUHK


Research interests: computer music, music information retrieval, signal processing, audio engineering, music/visual programming, music technology




PhD Thesis

Other services
