Major Allocation (CSCIN)

Starting from 2022, students can directly enter the CSE programme in our department through the department-based admission scheme. After completing the first year of study, eligible CSE students will be invited to declare their major and be allocated to CENG or CSCI. This major allocation exercise is conducted every year, soon after the conclusion of the second term.  Students with outstanding entry grades / scholarships and good academic performance in their first year of study are guaranteed their first choice of major.  It is expected that a relatively high percentage of students would be allocated to their preferred major.

Students, including local and international students (except local non-JUPAS senior year), will first be admitted into our Computer Science and Engineering programme. To be eligible for the “Major Allocation”, students should have officially registered for courses listed under the Faculty Package at the time of major allocation*. The courses are ENGG1110/ESTR1002, ENGG1120/ESTR1005 and ENGG1130/ESTR1006. Students who are being put on academic probation in Second Term due to their academic performance in First Term should have the academic probation be successfully lifted by the end of Second Term.


* Exceptions are:

  1. Students who are granted course exemption of the course(s) under the Faculty Package, and/or
  2. Students who failed MATH1510 and are prescribed to retake MATH1510 before they are allowed to register ENGG1130.

  1. Ineligible students will not be assigned with CSCI or CENG major. The programme of study for such student shall remain as Computer Science and Engineering although s/he may be allowed to escalate to Year 2 or etc. in CUSIS.
  2. They need to take or retake in the Faculty Package courses, and/or have the extended probation lifted in order to be eligible for major allocation soon after the conclusion of Second Term in the following academic year.



  • Eligible students who fail to submit their programme preferences will be processed in the last batch according to their CGPA and the quota left.
  • Major declaration is not applicable to Advanced Standing (local non-JUPAS) students admitted with major affiliation.
  • To be fair to all students, no late submission will be accepted for whatever reasons.

By the end of the first year of study, eligible students who are admitted to the Computer Science and Engineering programme will be invited to declare their programme choices, either Computer Engineering (CENG) or Computer Science (CSCI) via online system. After the release of academic results of the Second Term, eligible students will be allowed to re-prioritize their programme choices.

Students will be guaranteed their first-choice programme (CENG or CSCI) if they satisfy one of the following conditions:


(i) HKDSE entrants who have achieved in HKDSE Level 5* or above in Mathematics AND another one Science subject (Mathematics Extended Module 1 or 2 could be counted as one subject in this exercise) AND one elective subject, PLUS Level 4 or above in any two of the remaining core subjects#; OR

(ii) Any entrants admitted to CUHK with renewable tuition scholarship#;


# Students in category (i) and (ii) must attain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above as of the release date of academic results of Second Term.

Other eligible students will go through a centralized major allocation process, for which preferences of students will be given due consideration, provided that respective programmes have adequate teaching resources and facilities for quality education.

PeriodAllocation Process

– “Major allocation” talk for CSE students

– Submit preference (CSCI or CENG) via online system

Early to mid-June– Release 2nd Semester centralized examination result
– Major Allocation in progress
Early July– Submit finalized major allocation results to Registration and Examination Section (RES)
Early August– New student status ready on CUSIS