Wallace, Wai-Ho Mak
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Email: wallace [at] cse.cuhk.edu.hk
Office: Room 328, 3/F, Pi Ch'iu Building, CUHK
About me
Well, I love programming, dogs, and memes. :)
I currently serve as the head coach of the CUHK programming team. If you are a CUHK UG student who is interested in competitive programming and making friends with like-minded people, consider showing off your skills in our team selection test contest which is usually held in late August or early September! (and maybe also take my introductory competitive programming course ;)) Externally, I also serve in the advisory board of the Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics committee.
- Department Exemplary Teaching Award (2024), CSE, CUHK
- Excellent Coach Award, The 2023 ICPC Asia East Continent Final Contest (Disclaimer: I was simply carried by the excellent programming team I happened to help manage as our students got high ranks in the contest.)
I teach the following courses in CUHK.
- ENGG1003: Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking - P (Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024, Spring 2025)
- ENGG1004: Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking - R (Fall 2022, Spring 2025)
- CSCI2740: Competitive Programming (Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
- CSCI3180: Principles of Programming Languages (Spring 2023, Spring 2024)
Before I join CUHK, I also taught in HKUST various courses of diverse computer science topics.
(click to expand the course list)
(click to collapse the course list)
- COMP1021: Introduction to Computer Science
- COMP1022P: Introduction to Computing with Java
- COMP1022Q: Introduction to Computing with Excel VBA
- COMP1029C: C Programming Bridging Course
- COMP1029J: Java Programming Bridging Course
- COMP1029P: Python Programming Bridging Course
- COMP1029V: Excel VBA Programming Bridging Course
- COMP2011: Programming with C++
- COMP2012: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures
- COMP2611: Computer Organization
- COMP2711: Discrete Mathematical Tools for Computer Science
- COMP4311: Principles of Database Design
- COMP101: Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing
- COMP102: Computer and Programming Fundamental I
- COMP104H: Programming Fundamentals and Methodologies (Honors Study)
- COMP171H: Data Structures and Algorithms (Honors Study)
- COMP201: Java Programming
- COMP252: Operating System
- COMP341: Computer Graphics
- CSIT5110: Multimedia Development for MSc in IT
- CSIT5400: Computer Graphics for MSc in IT
- CSIT5800: Introduction to Big Data for MSc in IT
- USTM16: Linux Systems Administration
- USTM17: Linux Network Administration
- USTM18: Windows Server Administration
- Summer Mathematics Course for Direct Entry Students
- D002: Python for Everyone (offered to secondary school students by CDGT)
Academic background
I studied and did research in HKUST.
- MPhil, Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST
- BEng, Computer Science (Honors Track, Minor in Mathematics), HKUST (First-class Honors)
For academia, I have published the following on Computer Graphics and Visualization research topics.
- Wai-Ho Mak, Yingcai Wu, Ming-Yuen Chan, Huamin Qu. "Visibility-Aware Direct Volume Rendering". Journal of Computer Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 2, Mar. 2011.
- Wing-Yi Chan, Huamin Qu, Wai-Ho Mak. "Visualizing the Semantic Structure in Classical Music Works". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 16, no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 2010.
- Ming-Yuen Chan, Yingcai Wu, Wai-Ho Mak, Wei Chen, Huamin Qu. "Perception-Based Transparency Optimization for Direct Volume Rendering". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of Visualization / Information Visualization 2009), vol. 15, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2009.
- Wai-Ho Mak, Yingcai Wu, Ming-Yuen Chan, Huamin Qu. "Visibility-Aware Direct Volume Rendering with Animations". Workshop on Visualization Applications (VisWorkshop'09), Beijing, China, 2009.
- Wai-Ho Mak, Ming-Yuen Chan, Yingcai Wu, Ka-Kei Chung, Huamin Qu. "VoxelBars: An Informative Interface for Volume Visualization". International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC'08), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Dec 1-3, 2008.
- Ming-Yuen Chan, Wai-Ho Mak, Huamin Qu. "An Efficient Quality-Based Camera Path Planning Method for Volume Exploration". International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC'08), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Dec 1-3, 2008.
- Ming-Yuen Chan, Huamin Qu, Ka-Kei Chung, Wai-Ho Mak, and Yingcai Wu. "Relation-Aware Volume Exploration Pipeline". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of Visualization / Information Visualization 2008), vol. 14, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2008.
- Yingcai Wu, Huamin Qu, Ka-Kei Chung, Wai-Ho Mak, and Anbang Xu. "Quantitative Effectiveness Metrics for Direct Volume Rendering". Poster session of IEEE Visualization 2007.