Blue noise property test

In the following experiments (Grey46, Grey134, Grey209), we show how the white noise initial converges to a blue-noise result.
In each of the 3 tests, the original grayscale input is a textureless image with constant graylevel (46, 134, 209). The corresponding
radially averaged power spectra is shown underneath to evidence the blue-noise property.


Grayscale input: grey 46, size 256X256

Grey46 Initialization  (a white noise image) after 3000 iterations after 5000 iterations Result
Test images

The radially averaged power spectra



Grayscale input: grey134, size 256X256

Grey134 Initialization  (a white noise image) after 3000 iterations after 5000 iterations Result
Test images

The radially averaged power spectra



Grayscale input: grey209, size 256X256

Grey209 Initialization  (a white noise image) after 3000 iterations after 5000 iterations Result
Test images

The radially averaged power spectra