Ripple: Routability-Driven Placer
Routability has become an important issue in VLSI physical
design. Placement plays an important role in physical design
and can affect significantly the quality of the routing solution.
In most previous placers, the major objective is to minimize
wirelength which is often estimated by the half-perimeter
wirelength (HPWL) model. Although minimizing HPWL can reduce
the average routing demand, the routing demand may be distributed
unevenly and as a result, some nets are difficult to be routed or
even unroutable at the end. Moreover, hundreds of large macros
which occupy several metal layers usually exist and their existence
have made routing even more challenging. We have developed a
routability-driven placer called Ripple. New techniques have been
explored to understand how routability can be improved through
Ripple: An Effective Routability-Driven Placer
by Iterative Cell Movement,
Xu He, Tao Huang, Linfu Xiao, Haitong Tian, Guxin Cui and Evangeline F.Y. Young,
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2011.
Ripple 2.0: High Quality Routability-Driven Placement via Global Router Integration,
Xu He, Tao Huang, Wing-Kai Chow, Jian Kuang, Ka-Chun Lam, Wenzan Cai, Evangeline F.Y. Young,
Proceedings of Design Automation Conference, 2013.
Ripple Version 2.0 (executables) with benchmarks
- He Xu (PhD)
- Huang Tao (PhD)
- Xiao Linfu (PhD)
- Tian Haitong (MPhil)