Engineering Mathematics III (ENGG2430)
Student/Faculty Expectations on Teaching and Learning
Student/Faculty Expectations on Teaching and Learning
John C.S. Lui
In this course, we cover fundamental principles of probability
theory and statistics, and to learn
how to use these frameworks (or methodologies) to have a logical thinking
to carry out analysis on computer science and engineering related problems.
Note that this course is "highly conceptual" and
Students need to spend time to read the textbook,
do the homework, attend the lectures and tutorials so
to understand and keep pace with the expectation of this course.
Teaching Assistants (HSH Eng. Bldg, Room 120):
- Mr. Hong Xie Office hour: Friday: 1:00-3:00 PM, office, HSH Eng Bldg, Room 120.
- Mr. Ray Silei Xu Office hour: Monday: 2:00-4:00 PM, office, HSH Eng Bldg, Room 120.
- Miss Yishi Lin Office hour: Thursday: 1:00-3:00 PM, office, HSH Eng Bldg, Room 120.
- Miss Xinghong Hu Office hour: Wednesday: 10:00 AM to noon, office, HSH Eng Bldg, Room 1026.
- Mr. Spark Min Zheng Office hour: Grading only.
Course Grades:
- Homework: 10%;
- Programming or simulation: 15%;
- Midterm Exam: 25%;
- Examination: 50% (note: you need to get at least 25% in the final exam to pass the course)
Discussion Forum:
- No late homework, programming or simulation project will be accepted;
- Missing Midterm:
- No make-up midterm;
- If students who miss their midterm and there is no justifiable
reason, they will automatically receive "zero" mark in their midterm;
- If a good justification can be provided, then the instructor may consider
moving the 25% midterm to be weighted alongside with the final exam.
- For those students who don't study hard, well, please watch this video:
"Wise saying from Gandalf, wizard from the Lord of the Rings"
Outline for the course:
- Introduction to Statistics and Probability
- Random Variables, Distributions, and Expectations
- Probability Distributions
- Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptions
- One- and Two-Sample Estimation Problems
- One- and Two-Sample Tests of Hypotheses
- Linear Regression
- ....etc.
Midterm Exam: March 11, 2014 !!!!!!!!!! Coverage: Chapter 1-2.
Final Exam: April 30, 2014, 9:30 - 11:30 am, University Gymnasium !!!!!!!!!!
Lecture Notes (note: all lecture notes are password protected)
Preliminary Administrative Information and Mutual Expectations
Introduction: why study probability?
Introduction to Statistics and Probability
(Reading Assignment: Chapter 1)
Random Variables, Distributions and Expectations
(Reading Assignment: Chapter 2)
- Note:
due to conference leave, lecture on Feb, 7th, 2014 will be held on the 3rd lecture on
Jan. 28th, 2014.
- Note:
due to conferene leave, John C.S. Lui will take up the tutorial slots on April 1st
and April 15th as lecture slots.
While TAs will provide tutorials for the week of
April 6th (two tutorials on Tuesday and one tutorial on Friday).
- Note:
due to conference leave, lecture on March 21st, 2014 will be held on the 3rd lecture on
March 18th, 2014.
Probabaility Distributions
(Reading Assignment: Chapter 3)
Limit Theorems
(Reading Assignment: Wiki)
Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptions
(Reading Assignment: Chapter 4)
One- and Two- Sample Estimation Problems
(Reading Assignment: Chapter 5)
One- and Two- Sample Tests of Hypoteses
(Reading Assignment: Chapter 6)
Recommended summer reading (for leisure)
Tutorial Notes
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 4
Tutorial 5
Tutorial 6
Tutorial 7
Tutorial 8
Tutorial 9
Tutorial 10
Homework (students can submit their homework in the drop box, 10/F, HSH Eng. Bldg)
Homework 1 :
Solution to Homework 1
(Deadline: Jan, 20th, 2014, 5:00 pm).
Homework 2 :
Solution to Homework 2
(Deadline: Feb, 7th, 2014, 5:00 pm).
Homework 3 :
Solution to Homework 3
(Deadline: Feb, 21st, 2014, 5:00 pm).
Homework 4 :
Solution to Homework 4
(Deadline: March 7th, 2014, 5:00 pm).
Homework 5 :
Solution to Homework 5
(Deadline: March 28th, 2014, 5:00 pm).
Homework 6 :
Solution to Homework 6
(Deadline: April 18th, 2014, 5:00 pm).
Monte Carlo Simulation :
(Deadline: April, 4th, 2014, 5:00 pm).
Instruction on Submission