Introduction to Network Science

Student/Faculty's Expectations on Teaching and Learning

Instructor: John C.S. Lui

This is an introductory course on "Network Science", in particular, we will learn various algorithms, mathematical principles, and software platforms for large scale networks analysis. In here, the networks can be both physical or logical networks. Logical networks include online social networks (e.g., Facebook, WeChat, Twitters, ...etc), Internet, Skype P2P networks, geo-distributed data center networks (DCNs), or cities which have mass amount of Internet-of-Things (IoTs) devices. Phyiscal networks include power plant networks, biological networks,..etc. In this course, we cover fundamental principles and algorithms for such large scale network analysis. Furthermore, how one can use these basic analytical tools and algorithms to understand the structures and dynamic of such networks. Note that this course is especially important since companies like Tencent, Alibaba and Huawei are looking for engineers to carry out large scale network analysis on their services/networks.

Teaching Assistants


Course Grades:

Policy: Late homework or programming assignments will NOT be considered.

Announcemnet: As students have voted, we will have the following format and dates for makeup classes. In short, the classes will be on:

FINAL EXAMINATION : Date December 5, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, 2018. YIA Room 505 !!!!!! Final Examination :

For the final examination, you are allowed to bring lecture notes (those we covered in class) to the examination room. Topics to be covered in the final exam are:

Tentative Outline for the Course:

Lecture Notes: (Password Protected)

Administrative matter

Introduction to Network Science 1
Introduction to Network Science 2
More to come ....

Project (Password Protected) Submission: Please submit your programming project by Dec XX, 2018.
Programming Project (Graph Data for 964 nodes and 3,000 undirected edges)

Reference books:
Reference papers:
Related software: