Papers Accepted to NIPS2008...

NIPS 2008 September, 2008. Two papers from our group have been accepted to NIPS 2008 to be held from 8-11 of December in Vancouver, Canada. NIPS 2008 is competitive as usual and the acceptance rate is about 24% (250/1022). A special congratulations to Dr. Haixuan Yang, whose paper was selected as Spotlight Poster which has an acceptance rate of 12% (123/1022).

  1. [2008, inproceedings | www]
    Zenglin Xu, Rong Jin, Irwin King, and Michael Lyu, "An Extended Level Method for Efficient Multiple Kernel Learning," in Proc. Advances in Neural Information Processing System 21 (NIPS2008), Cambridge, MA, 2008.
  2. [2008, inproceedings | www]
    Haixuan Yang, Irwin King, and Michael Lyu, "Learning with Consistency between Inductive Functions and Kernels," in Proc. Advances in Neural Information Processing System 21 (NIPS2008), Cambridge, MA, 2008.