~~NOTOC~~ [[http://vcsl.org|{{ :signup:vcsl-bikeathon.png?740 |}}]] /* [[:home|{{ :0008-170x250.png?100|:0008-170x250.png}}]] */ [[:home|{{ :signup:irwin-bikeathon.jpg?200|:signup:irwin-bikeathon.jpg}}]] **Band of Riders--A Charity Bike-A-Thon 2017** **From Hualien to Kaohsiung, a 440 KM trek through the eastern and southern part of Taiwan from 14-17 April 2017** \\ **Irwin King** \\ \\ I ride to act justly, to love mercy, and walk humbly with Him who sustains me... ====== Information ====== * [[http://vcsl.org/events/bikeathon2017/|Band of Riders page @ VCSL]] * [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/8uy9gen3cg5aywl/VCSL%20Refugee%20service.pdf?dl=0|VCSL Refuge Services]] ====== Donations ====== Please note to click the appropriate channel for your donations. It is different if you would like to receive a HK receipt or a US receipt. ===== For Hong Kong Receipts ===== * Giving in HKD through [[https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Irwin-King|JustGiving]] ===== For US Receipts ===== ===== Route Map ===== [[https://goo.gl/3gXjGs|{{:signup:roadmap.png?700|}}]]