===== Tai Po's Community Group Gathering @ The King's ===== We would like to have a send-off for Jeema and also to celebrate the coming of summer. The detail is as follows. * **Date**: Saturday, July 6, 2019 * **Time**: From 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm * **Venue**: * At the King's, Block #4, 6B, CUHK, 9855 8852. We are right across from Wu Yee Sun College (伍宜孫書院). * 香港 新界 沙田, 香港中文大學, 大學宿舍 第四苑 6B室 * **Free Shuttle Bus** * **Weekdays and Saturday before 7:00 pm**, take the #3 bus every 00, 20, and 40 on the hour from Y.I.A.P. (康本園) to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). The bus schedule is available [[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/transport_unit/timetable_I.pdf|here]]. * **Weekdays and Saturday at or after 7:00 pm**, take the "N" bus every 00, 15, 30, and 45 on the hour from the University MTR Station (港鐵大學站) to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). The bus schedule is available [[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/transport_unit/timetable_I.pdf|here]]. * **Sundays and Public Holidays** bus schedule is available [[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/transport_unit/timetable_II.pdf|here]]. Basically, take bus "H" every 00, 20, and 40 on the hour from 10:00 AM to 11:20 PM. * **Taxi** - Just take the Green Taxi from the taxi stand in bus terminal on the Hyatt Regency Shatin side of the campus. - Tell the driver to enter through the Science Park entrance. - Make a right turn after the bridge over the MTR railroad and then go up the Campus Circuit Road to get to Residences No. 3 & 4 (三、四苑). - Tell them it is right across from the Wu Yee Sun College (伍宜孫書院). - It should be about HKD $35 and takes about 8-10 mins. - See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}. * **Driving** * We have plenty of parking spaces. If you drive, get a parking voucher from me before you leave or else you will be charged to park. * [[https://www.google.com/maps/ms?msid=208171309444804521294.0004f45f0e109a43c0659&msa=0&ll=22.421641,114.202516&spn=0.013052,0.018947|Google Map of King's flat.]] * {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|Direction to King's flat.}} * **Food**: Please let me know if you plan to bring something below. * **We plan to have: some appetisers, salads, BBQ, etc. so let me know if you would like to have or bring others.** * **Spouses, parents, and children welcome (put down your name and the total number coming below)!** * **Short URL**: https://bit.ly/2J7jxLl \\ \\ **Please indicate your name, how many are coming in "( )". Thanks!** \\ \\ ^ Can't Come ^ Coming ^ Appetizer ^ Entree ^ Side ^ Drinks ^ Fruits ^ Dessert ^ Others ^ * Please leave your comments below. ~~DISCUSSION:off~~ ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~