====== Utilanalz::smooth Function ====== list smooth(list x_y, int threshold=5, int poolN=10) ===== Description ===== A simple filter filter a list consists of list(like [0, 1] for x=0, y=1), takes the noises off. ===== Paramters ===== - x_y list of lists, x_y is a list like [[0, 0],[1, 1],] - threshold int, for threshold value, if the abs(value, other_value) more than threshold, the value may be a noise - poolN int, how long the polling poll is. For poolN=10, the function would look forward 10 items, back 10 items, than the items poll according to the parameter threshold. If the agreement more than a half, this point is not a noise. ===== Return ===== - a list that will return a smoothed list of data. ===== Detail Information ===== a = [ [6, 6], [7, 7], [8, 8], [9, 9], [10, 100], [11, 11], [12, 12], [13, 13], ] smooth(a, int threshold=5, int poolN=3) will return [ [6, 6], [7, 7], [8, 8], [9, 9], [11, 11], [12, 12], [13, 13], ] ===== Changelog ===== newly built, 2012-01-21