====== UtilData::titleTheList Function ====== list titleTheList(list data) ===== Description ===== return a list that each item of the list is a dict which is labeled by the parameter data’s first record valued by the data’s record. ===== Paramters ===== * data list, a list, the first item consists of labels, others consist of datas. ===== Return ===== * list, each item of the list is a dict which is labeled by the parameter data’s first record valued by the data’s record. ===== Detail Information ===== titleTheList( [[’name’, ‘id],[‘zhangzhi’, 123],[‘cheungzee’, 456]] ) , returns a list consists of two dicts: [{’name’:’zhangzhi’, ‘id’:123}{’name’:’cheungzee’, ‘id’:456}] ===== Changelog ===== newly built, 2012-01-21