====== Research Group Presentation Schedule 2011-2012 ====== [ [[:presentations:2011t1]] | [[:presentations:2010t2]] | [[:presentations:2010t1]] | [[:presentations:2009t2]] | [[:presentations:2009t1]] | [[:presentations:2008t2]] ] ===== Term 2, Spring 2011 ===== * **Day**: Tuesday * **Time**: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm * **Venue**: Room 1022, HSH Engineering Building (Maui)
^ Date ^ Topic ^ **Presenter #1** ^ **Presenter #2** ^ Notes ^ | Jan. 3 | No Meeting | | | | | Jan. 10 | | Shouyuan | | | | Jan. 17 | | Chengchen \\ {{:presentations:acmrec2009-MarlinZemel.pdf|Presentation}} \\ {{presentations:non-random.pdf|Collaborative Prediction and Ranking with Non-Random Missing Data}} | | | | Jan. 24 | No Meeting | | | Lunar New Year vacation | | Jan. 31 | | Haiqin \\ {{:presentations:coregularization_ppt.pdf|ppt}} \\ {{:presentations:co-regularized_multi-view_spectral_clustering.pdf|Co-regularized Multi-view Spectral Clustering}} | | | | Feb. 7 | | Xiaofeng \\ {{:presentations:wsdm2011_gupta_jto_01.pdf|Presentation}} \\ {{presentations:wsdm11.pdf|JointTraining for Open-domain Extraction on the Web: Exploiting Overlap when Supervision is Limited}}| | | | Feb. 14 | | Priyanka \\ {{:presentations:hypothesis_testing.ppt|}}| | | | Feb. 21 | | Baichuan \\ [[http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~qguo3/sigir2011_switching.ppt|ppt]] \\ {{:presentations:why_searchers_switch.pdf|Why Searchers Switch: Understanding and Predicting Engine Switching Rationales}} | | | | Feb. 28 | | Xinxin | | {{:presentations:clickmodels.ppt|}} | | Mar. 6 | | Tom \\ {{:presentations:gbdt-tom.pdf|Gradient Boosting Decision Tree}} \\ {{:presentations:2001_greedy_function_approximation_a_gradient_boosting_machine.pdf|Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine}} | | | | Mar. 13 | | Zachary \\ {{:presentations:20120312_zachary_fast_top_k_v2.ppt|Fast Top-K Retrieval for Model Based Recommendation}} | Mao Yuan \\ {{:presentations:介绍201203.ppt|}} | | | Mar. 20 | | Shouyuan \\ {{:presentations:sequence_memoizer.pdf|A Stochastic Memoizer for Sequence Data}} | | | | Mar. 27 | | Chengchen \\ {{:presentations:p805-cheng.pdf|Toward Traffic-Driven Location-Based Web Search}} \\ {{:presentations:cheng_cikm11.ppt|}} | | | | Apr. 3 | | Tom \\ {{:presentations:zhou2012cqa.pdf|A Classification-based Approach to Question Routing in Community Question Answering}} \\ {{:presentations:cqa_workshop_zhou.ppt|}} \\ Baichuan \\ {{:presentations:wk3p02-li.pdf|Analyzing and Predicting Question Quality in Community Question Answering Services}} \\ {{:presentations:cqa2012_baichuan.ppt|}}| | | | Apr. 16 | | Haiqin \\ {{:presentations:mm.pdf|MM}} \\ {{:presentations:mm_bak.pdf|Back Slide}} | | | | Apr. 23 | | Xiaofeng \\ {{:presentations:openIE.pdf|Open Information Extraction at Web Scale}} | | | | Apr. 30 | | Priyanka \\ {{:presentations:influence_and_correlation.ppt|}}| | | | May 7 | | Zachary {{:presentations:online_collaborative_filtering.ppt|}} \\ Baichuan \\ {{{{:presentations:ijcnn2012_baichuan_20120506.ppt|Community analysis}} \\ Chengchen | | | ^ Conference ^ Date ^ Site ^ Abstract Deadline ^ Submission Deadline ^ | [[http://wsdm2012.org|WSDM2012]] | Feb. 8-12, 2012 | Seattle, Washington, USA | 4 Aug 2011 | 11 Aug 2011 | | [[http://www2012.wwwconference.org/|WWW2012]] | April.16 - 20, 2012 | Lyon, France | 1 Nov 2011 | 7 Nov 2011 | | [[http://ijcai-2013.org/|IJCAI2013]] | 3 - 9 Aug, 2013 | Beijing, China | -- | -- | | [[http://www.sigir.org/sigir2012/|SIGIR2012]] | 12-16 Aug, 2012 | Portland, Oregon, USA | 6 Feb 2012 | 13 Feb 2012 | | [[http://www.ieee-wcci2012.org/|IJCNN2012]] | 10 - 15 June, 2012 | Brisbane, Australia | Dec 19, 2011 | Dec 19, 2011 | | [[http://icml.cc/2012/|ICML2012]] | June. 26-July. 1, 2012 | Edinburgh, Scotland | February 24, 2012 | February 24, 2012 | | [[http://www.aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI/aaai12.php|AAAI2012]] | July 22–26, 2012 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | January 20, 2012 | January 24, 2012 | | [[http://kdd.org/kdd2012/|KDD2012]] | August 12-16, 2012 | Beijing, China | -- | Feb 10, 2012 | | [[http://www.cikm2012.org/|CIKM2012]] | October 29-November 2, 2012 | Maui, USA | May 18,2012 | May 25,2012 | | [[http://icdm2012.ua.ac.be/|ICDM2012]] | December 10 - 13, 2012 | Brussels, Belgium | -- | June 20, 2012 | | [[http://nips.cc/Conferences/2012/|NIPS2012]] | December 3 - 8, 2012 | Lake Tahoe, Nevada, United States | -- | -- |