====== Jessie Li ====== * Research Assistant * Department of Computer Science & Engineering * Chinese University of Hong Kong * Rm 114A, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building, * Department of Computer Science and Engineering, * CUHK, N.T., Hong Kong ===== Research Projects ===== * I am currently working on Social Computation project. ===== Reading List ===== ** Social Computing** * Designing Game with a Purpose * Games with a Pupose * Games with a Purpose for Semantic_Web * Improving Accessibility of the Web with a Computer Game * Labeling Images with a Computer Game * ... ** Collaborative Filtering** * EigenRank a ranking-oriented approach to collaborative filtering * Fast maximum margin matrix factorization for collaborative prediction * Flexible mixture model for collaborative filtering * Personalized active learning for collaborative filtering * Personalized active learning for collaborative filtering * ... ** Learning to Rank** * Learning to Rank using Gradient Descent * Learning to rank with ties * Learning random walks to rank nodes in graphs * Inferring user interest * Ranking on data manifolds * ...