====== Baichuan LI (李百川) ====== ===== Contact Information===== * Rm 114A, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building,\\ Department of Computer Science and Engineering, \\ CUHK, N.T., Hong Kong * Email:bcli@cse.cuhk.edu.hk * Office: +(852)3163-4266 * HomePage: www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~bcli ===== Biography ===== **Baichuan LI** is currently a Ph.D student (Aug. 2009-) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, under the supervision of [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king|Prof. Irwin King]]. He received his bachelor's degree from [[http://www.sjtu.edu.cn|Shanghai Jiao Tong University]] majoring in software engineering. As an undergraduate student, he joined [[http://dalab.se.sjtu.edu.cn|Digital Art Laboratory]] under the supervision of Prof. Xubo YANG and [[http://www.visionlab.sjtu.edu.cn|Vision Lab]] under the supervision of Prof. Yuncai LIU. ===== Research Interests ===== * Social Computing: Community-based question answering (CQA), Social network analysis * Semi-Supervised Learning: Co-training, Graph-based learning * Information Retrieval: Link analysis, Blog/Forum IR ===== Publications ===== ==== Journal Publications ==== ==== Book Chapters ==== ==== Conference Publications ==== ==== Technical Reports ==== ==== Professional Activities ==== * Keynote Speech and Plenary Talk in Conferences * Interviews * Tutorial in International Conferences * Panel Discussion in International Conferences * Invited Talk and Invited Demonstration in International Conferences * Editor-in-Chief of International Journal * Journal Editorial Service * Book Editorial Service * Board of Directors, Member of Steering Committee and Society Members * International Reviewer and Examiner * Conference, Program Committee and Session Chair * Chair and Program Committee Chair of International Conferences * Program Committee Member of International Conferences * Session Chair in International Conferences * Invited Talks in International Organizations * Invited Talks in Domestic Organizations ==== Awards & Grants ==== * International Research Awards * Domestic Research Awards * Best Paper Awards * International Research Grants * Domestic Research Grants * Patents * Column Articles ===== Miscellaneous =====