====== Opinion Mining - An Brief Introduction ====== This page is a brief introduction to opinion mining. It contains some background information for doing researches in opinion mining. ==== Opinion Mining Group ==== Supervisors: * [[http://wiki.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/irwin.king/home|Prof. Irwin King]] * [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~jlee|Prof. Jimmy Lee]] Students: * [[People:Kam Tong CHAN]] * [[People:Wei WEI]] ==== What is opinion? ==== Subjective views on a certain topic Views can be: * Pros / Cons * Suggestions for improvement * Comparisons Topics: * Any objects (usually noun) * e.g. * Products: Car, Music Player, Camera, etc. * People: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, etc. * Organization: Bank, Government, School, etc. * Others... ==== What is opinion mining? ==== Informally: Extract the opinions given in a piece of text. Or, more formally: A recent discipline that studies the extraction of opinions using Information Retrieval (IR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. ==== What's the big deal with opinion mining? ==== === Motivating Scenario === * People who wants to buy a camera * Look for comments and reviews * People who just bought a camera * Comment on it * Write down the usage experience * Camera Manufacturer * Get feedback from customer * Improve their products * Adjust Marketing Strategies Big business, right? Web 2.0 nowadays provides a great medium for people to share what they want to share. This provides a great source of unstructured information (especially opinions) that may be usually (makes a lot of money?) ===== Major Issues ===== ==== Opinion Extraction ==== Identify the segments of text that contain opinions. e.g. Opinions are in **boldface** I have just entered into dslr world with 400d, before I used slr cameras. **400d is extremly well made, precise and overall feeling is vey good.** ==== Sentiment Classification / Subjectivity Analyzes ==== Decide the sentiment orientation of a given piece of opinion. === What is Sentiment Orientation? === * Polarity * Positive (e.g. This camera is great!) * Negative (e.g. The battery life is too short.) * Neutral * Polarity Scale? * (Most Negative) -10 ... -5 ... 0 (Neutral) ... 5 ... 10 (Most Positive) e.g. //The picture quality is good.// (A positive opinion) e.g. //The battery life is short.// (A negative opinion) ==== Feature-Opinion Association ==== A problem proposed by [[People:Kam Tong CHAN]]. The problem is related to natural language processing: //Given a text with target features and opinions extracted, decide which opinions comment on which features.// It is known to be a difficult problem in natural language processing. Let's take a look at the following example (Originated from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_language_processing) Consider the phrase "pretty little girls' school", * Does the school look little? * Do the girls look little? * Do the girls look pretty? * Does the school look pretty? **Reference**: @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/pakdd/KtCHAN09, author = {Kam Tong Chan and Irwin King}, title = {Let's Tango -- Finding the Right Couple for Feature-Opinion Association in Sentiment Analysis}, booktitle = {PAKDD 2009: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 13th Pacific-Asia Conference}, year = {2009}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/pakdd/2009}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, address = {Bangkok, Thailand}, month = {April 27-30,} } ===== Advanced Issues ===== ==== Target Identification ==== Which one (or Who) is being commented? e.g. He is a kind person. Who is "he"? e.g. The camera is great! Which camera model are you talking about? ==== Source Identification ==== Given a review text, identify who made the comment. Achieving this will allow us to build a Question-Answering System. e.g. Who support Obama to be the next U.S. president? ==== Opinion Summarization and Visualization ==== Given a set of documents (crawled the web / all the reviews from a particular forum / survey results , etc.), summarize the opinion expressed with respect to the target object. e.g. For Camera * Picture Quality (+ve: 290, -ve 73) * Ease of use (+ve: 57, -ve: 10) * etc. ==== Opinion Spam Detection ==== Detect whether opinions that are written by spammers. === Why there are opinion spams? === - Someone may write something to promote its own image / products - Someone may write something to hurt their enemies ==== Others ==== === Linguistic Tools for Opinion Mining === == [Domain-Specific] Sentiment lexicon == A lexicon that contains the sentiment orientation of each term. It may be a domain specific one or a general one. * is there a way to generate it automatically from a large corpus? == Ontology == Ontology is a structural description of concepts. It defines the terminologies and hierarchical relationships of a domain. * Who ontologies can be incorporated in opinion mining? e.g.: * Opinion Summarization * Processing Comparative Statements * Is there a way to generate them automatically? * Which ontology elements are essential for opinion mining? In other words, what should the ontology for opinion mining looks like? === Scalability === * Can an opinion summarization system works as efficient as a search engine so that all the opinions on the web are crawled and user are able to search for any opinions? ===== Related Software Packages for Opinion Mining ===== * WordNet, SentiWordNet * Thesaurus * Python * NLTK (Natural Language Processing Toolkits) * Numpy, Scipy * Matplotlib * Text Processing Tools * Sentence Splitters * POS (Part-of-speech) Taggers * Stemmers * Crawler ===== Opinion Mining Related Resources ===== ==== Research Papers ==== * Sentiment Classification bibliography http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Misc/Sentiment.html * ACL Anthology - A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computational Linguistics http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/ ==== Datasets ==== * Movie Review Data http://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/pabo/movie%2Dreview%2Ddata/ * Customer Review Data http://www.cs.uic.edu/~liub/FBS/sentiment-analysis.html * MPQA Opinion Corpus http://www.cs.pitt.edu/mpqa/databaserelease/ ==== Tools ==== * SentiWordNet http://sentiwordnet.isti.cnr.it/ * NLTK - Natural Language Processing Toolkits for Python http://nltk.sourceforge.net/ * WordNet http://wordnet.princeton.edu/ ==== Web Resources ==== * The Sentiment & Affect Yahoo! Group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SentimentAI * GI - General Inquirer http://www.webuse.umd.edu:9090/ http://www.webuse.umd.edu:9090/tags/ * LDC Catalog http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/Catalog/ * Opinmind http://opinmind.com/ * Data Mining Resources http://www.kdnuggets.com/index.html ==== Related Conferences ==== * SIGIR - ACM SIGIR Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval http://www.sigir.org * CIKM - Conference on Information and Knowledge Management http://www.cikm.org * IDEAL - International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning http://www.ideal2008.org/ * SIGKDD - ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining http://www.sigkdd.org * AAAI - Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence http://www.aaai.org * WWW - International World Wide Web Conferences http://www.iw3c2.org/ * TREC - Text REtrieval Conference http://trec.nist.gov/ * ACL-IJCNLP - A Joint Conference of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing http://www.acl-ijcnlp-2009.org/ * WSDM - ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining http://wsdm2009.org/ * SIGDAT / EMNLP - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~yarowsky/sigdat.html * WI - ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence http://wi-consortium.org/ * SIGWEB http://www.sigweb.org/about/ ===== References ===== * @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/pakdd/KtCHAN09, author = {Kam Tong Chan and Irwin King}, title = {Let's Tango -- Finding the Right Couple for Feature-Opinion Association in Sentiment Analysis}, booktitle = {PAKDD 2009: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 13th Pacific-Asia Conference}, year = {2009}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/pakdd/2009}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, address = {Bangkok, Thailand}, month = {April 27-30,} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Agrawal03, author = {Agrawal, Rakesh and Rajagopalan, Sridhar and Srikant, Ramakrishnan and Xu, Yirong }, title = {Mining Newsgroups Using Networks Arising From Social Behavior}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12 WWW Conference}, year = {2003}, pages = {529--535}, address = {Budapest, HU}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/agrawal03mining.html}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/775152.775227}, pdf = {Agrawal03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Andreevskaia06, author = {Alina Andreevskaia and Sabine Bergler}, title = {Mining WordNet For a Fuzzy Sentiment: Sentiment Tag Extraction From WordNet Glosses}, booktitle = {Proceedings EACL-06, the 11rd Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2006}, pages = {209--216}, address = {Trento, IT}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/andreevskaia06mining.html}, pdf = {Andreevskaia06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~andreev/EACL06.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Andreevskaia06b, author = {Andreevskaia, Alina and Bergler, Sabine}, title = {Semantic Tag Extraction from WordNet Glosses}, booktitle = {Proceedings of LREC-06, the 5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = {2006}, address = {Genova, IT}, pdf = {Andreevskaia06b.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.03.14}, url = {http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~andreev/LREC06.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Andreevskaia06c, author = {Andreevskaia, Alina and Bergler, Sabine}, title = {Sentiment Tagging of Adjectives at the Meaning Level.}, booktitle = {Canadian Conference on AI}, year = {2006}, pages = {336-346}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11766247_29}, timestamp = {2007.06.06} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Attardi06, author = {Attardi, Giuseppe and Simi, Maria}, title = {Extracting Dependency Relations for Opinion Mining}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on Distributed Agent-based Retrieval Tools}, year = {2006}, address = {Cagliari, {IT}}, doi = {http://www.polimetrica.com/?p=productsMore\&iProduct=10}, pdf = {Attardi06.pdf}, timestamp = {2007.06.08}, url = {http://www.crs4.it/ict/dart06/slides/attardi.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Attardi06b, author = {Attardi, Giuseppe and Simi, Maria}, title = {Blog Mining Through Opinionated Words}, booktitle = {Proceedings of TREC 2006, the Fifteenth Text Retrieval Conference}, year = {2006}, address = {Gaithersburg , {US}}, organization = {NIST}, pdf = {Attardi06b.pdf}, timestamp = {2007.06.08}, url = {http://trec.nist.gov/pubs/trec15/papers/upisa.blog.final.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Aue05, author = {Aue, Anthony and Gamon, Michael}, title = {Customizing Sentiment Classifiers to New Domains: a Case Study}, booktitle = {Submitted to RANLP-05, the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2005}, address = {Borovets, BG}, pdf = {Aue05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://research.microsoft.com/~anthaue/new_domain_sentiment.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Bai05, author = {Bai, Xue and Padman, Rema and Airoldi, Edoardo}, title = {On Learning Parsimonious Models for Extracting Consumer Opinions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of HICSS-05,the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, year = {2005}, pages = {75b}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/HICSS.2005.465}, isbn = {0-7695-2268-8-3}, pdf = {Bai05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/hicss/2005/2268/03/22680075b.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Baron04, author = {Baron, Faye and Hirst, Graeme}, title = {Collocations as Cues to Semantic Orientation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, address = {Stanford, US}, pdf = {Baron04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://ftp.cs.toronto.edu/pub/gh/Baron+Hirst-2003.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Baroni04, author = {Baroni, Marco and Vegnaduzzo, Stefano}, title = {Identifying Subjective Adjectives through Web-based Mutual Information}, booktitle = {Proceedings of KONVENS-04}, year = {2004}, pages = {17--24}, address = {Vienna, AU}, pdf = {Baroni04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://sslmit.unibo.it/~baroni/publications/konvens2004/wmiKONV.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Beineke03, author = {Beineke, Philip and Hastie, Trevor and Manning, Christopher and Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar}, title = {An exploration of sentiment summarization}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2003}, address = {Stanford, US}, pdf = {Beineke03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://nlp.stanford.edu/~manning/papers/rotup.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Beineke04, author = {Beineke, Philip and Hastie, Trevor and Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar}, title = {The Sentimental Factor: Improving Review Classification Via Human-Provided Information.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-04, the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2004}, pages = {263-270}, address = {Barcelona, ES}, pdf = {Beineke04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/acl2004/main/pdf/295_pdf_2-col.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Bethard04, author = {Bethard, Steven and Yu, Hong and Thornton, Ashley and Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios and Jurafsky, Dan}, title = {Automatic Extraction of Opinion Propositions and their Holders}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, editor = {James G. Shanahan and Janyce Wiebe and Yan Qu}, address = {Stanford, US}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/739617.html}, pdf = {Bethard04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/SS404BethardS.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Blitzer07, author = {Blitzer, John and Dredze, Mark and Pereira, Fernando}, title = {Biographies, Bollywood, Boom-boxes and Blenders: Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Classification}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-07, the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics}, year = {2007}, pages = {440--447}, address = {Prague, CZ}, month = {June}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Blitzer07}, timestamp = {2007.07.02}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P07/P07-1056.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Breck04, author = {Breck, Eric and Cardie, Claire}, title = {Playing the Telephone Game: Determining the Hierarchical Structure of Perspective and Speech Expressions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of COLING-04, the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, year = {2004}, pages = {120--126}, address = {Geneva, CH}, pdf = {Breck04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/cardie/papers/coling-04.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cardie03, author = {Cardie, Claire and Wiebe Janyce and Wilson Theresa and Litman, Diane}, title = {Combining Low-Level and Summary Representations of Opinions for Multi-Perspective Question Answering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on New Directions in Question Answering}, year = {2003}, pages = {20--27}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/665881.html}, pdf = {Cardie03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/cardie/papers/aaai-ss-summary-rep-03.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Carenini06, author = {G. Carenini and R. Ng and A. Pauls}, title = {Interactive Multimedia Summaries of Evaluative Text}, booktitle = {Proceedings IUI-06, the 10th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces}, year = {2006}, pages = {124--131}, address = {Sydney, AU}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1111449.1111480}, pdf = {Carenini06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.cs.ubc.ca/%7Ecarenini/PAPERS/iui06.pdf} } @INBOOK{Cerini07, chapter = {Micro-WNOp: A gold standard for the evaluation of automatically compiled lexical resources for opinion mining.}, title = {Language resources and linguistic theory: Typology, second language acquisition, English linguistics.}, publisher = {Franco Angeli Editore}, year = {2007}, editor = {Sans\`{o}, A.}, author = {Cerini, S. and Compagnoni, V. and Demontis, A. and Formentelli, M. and Gandini, G.}, address = {Milano, IT}, timestamp = {2007.02.06} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cesarano06, author = {Carmine Cesarano and A. Picariello and D. Reforgiato Recupero and A. Sagoff and V.S.Subrahmanian and B. Dorr}, title = {Opinion Analysis in Document Databases}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-004.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Chambers04, author = {Chambers, Nathanael and Tetreault, Joel and Allen, James}, title = {Approaches for Automatically Tagging Affect}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, editor = {James G. Shanahan and Janyce Wiebe and Yan Qu}, address = {Stanford, US}, pdf = {Chambers04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/tetreaul/aaai_final.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Chaovalit05, author = {Pimwadee Chaovalit and Lina Zhou}, title = {Movie Review Mining: a Comparison between Supervised and Unsupervised Classification Approaches}, booktitle = {Proceedings of HICSS-05, the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, year = {2005}, pages = {112c}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/HICSS.2005.445}, pdf = {Chaovalit05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.02.23}, url = {http://csdl2.computer.org/comp/proceedings/hicss/2005/2268/04/22680112c.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Chesley06, author = {Paula Chesley and Bruce Vincent and Li Xu and Rohini Srihari}, title = {Using Verbs and Adjectives to Automatically Classify Blog Sentiment}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-005.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Choi05, author = {Choi, Yejin and Cardie, Claire and Riloff, Ellen and Patwardhan, Siddharth}, title = {Identifying Sources of Opinions with Conditional Random Fields and Extraction Patterns}, booktitle = {Proceedings of HLT-EMNLP-05, the Human Language Technology Conference/Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2005}, pages = {355--362}, address = {Vancouver, CA}, pdf = {Choi05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.cs.utah.edu/~riloff/pdfs/emnlp05.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cui06, author = {Hang Cui and Vibhu Mittal and Mayur Datar}, title = {Comparative Experiments on Sentiment Classification for Online Product Reviews}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-06, the 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year = {2006}, address = {Boston, US}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/AAAI/2006/AAAI06-198.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Das01, author = {Das, Sanjiv R. and Chen, Mike Y.}, title = {Yahoo! for {Amazon}: {S}entiment Parsing from Small Talk on the {Web}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EFA 2001, European Finance Association Annual Conference}, year = {2001}, address = {Barcelona, ES}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/2186497/0}, pdf = {Das01.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://ssrn.com/abstract=276189} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Dave03, author = {Dave, Kushal and Lawrence, Steve and Pennock, David M.}, title = {Mining the peanut gallery: {O}pinion extraction and semantic classification of product reviews}, booktitle = {Proceedings of WWW-03, 12th International Conference on the {World Wide Web}}, year = {2003}, pages = {519--528}, address = {Budapest, HU}, publisher = {ACM Press}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/dave03mining.html}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/775152.775226}, isbn = {1-58113-680-3}, pdf = {Dave03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.neci.nec.comq/~lawrence/papers/opinion-www03/opinion-www03.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Devitt07, author = {Devitt, Ann and Ahmad, Khurshid}, title = {Sentiment Polarity Identification in Financial News: A Cohesion-based Approach}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-07, the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics}, year = {2007}, pages = {984--991}, address = {Prague, CZ}, month = {June}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Devitt07}, timestamp = {2007.07.02}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P07/P07-1124.pdf} } @INBOOK{Dini02, chapter = {Opinion classification through information extraction}, pages = {299-310}, title = {Data Mining III}, publisher = {WIT Press}, year = {2002}, editor = {Zanasi and Brebbia and Ebecken and Melli}, author = {Dini, L. and Mazzini. G.}, pdf = {Dini02.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://library.witpress.com/pdfs/abstracts/DATA02/DATA02030AU.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Durbin03, author = {Durbin, Stephen D. and Richter, J. Neal and Warner, Doug}, title = {A system for affective rating of texts}, booktitle = {Proceedings of OTC-03, 3rd Workshop on Operational Text Classification}, year = {2003}, address = {Washington, US}, pdf = {Durbin03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://ai.rightnow.com/pubs/Affective_rating.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Efron04, author = {Efron, Miles}, title = {Cultural Orientation: Classifying Subjective Documents by Cociation Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Style and Meaning in Language, Art, Music, and Design}, year = {2004}, pages = {41--48}, pdf = {Efron04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.ischool.utexas.edu/~miles/research/papers/FS08-04Efron.pdf} } @MISC{EsuliSentiBiblio, author = {Esuli, Andrea}, title = {The Sentiment Classification Bibliography.}, howpublished = {http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Misc/Sentiment.html}, timestamp = {2006.11.06}, url = {http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Misc/Sentiment.html} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Esuli07, author = {Esuli, Andrea and Sebastiani, Fabrizio}, title = {PageRanking WordNet Synsets: An Application to Opinion Mining}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-07, the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics}, year = {2007}, pages = {424--431}, address = {Prague, CZ}, month = {June}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Esuli07}, timestamp = {2007.07.02}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P07/P07-1054.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Esuli06, author = {Andrea Esuli and Fabrizio Sebastiani}, title = {Determining Term Subjectivity and Term Orientation for Opinion Mining}, booktitle = {Proceedings EACL-06, the 11rd Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2006}, pages = {193-200}, address = {Trento, IT}, doi = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/E/E06/E06-1025.pdf}, pdf = {Esuli06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://tcc.itc.it/projects/ontotext/Publications/EACL-2006-Esuli-Sebastiani.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Esuli06b, author = {Andrea Esuli and Fabrizio Sebastiani}, title = {SentiWordNet: A Publicly Available Lexical Resource for Opinion Mining}, booktitle = {Proceedings of LREC-06, the 5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = {2006}, address = {Genova, IT}, pdf = {Esuli06b.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://tcc.itc.it/projects/ontotext/Publications/LREC2006-esuli-sebastiani.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Esuli05, author = {Esuli, Andrea and Sebastiani, Fabrizio}, title = {Determining the semantic orientation of terms through gloss classification}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CIKM-05, the ACM SIGIR Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, year = {2005}, pages = {617--624}, address = {Bremen,DE}, publisher = {ACM Press}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1099554.1099713}, pdf = {Esuli05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://tcc.itc.it/projects/ontotext/Publications/CIKM05-short.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Fei04, author = {Fei, Zhongchao and Liu, Jian and Wu, Gengfeng}, title = {Sentiment Classification Using Phrase Patterns}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CIT-04, the 4th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology}, year = {2004}, pages = {1147--1152}, address = {Wuhan, CN}, timestamp = {2006.01.01} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Galitsky06, author = {Boris Galitsky and Boris Kovalerchuk}, title = {Mining the Blogosphere for Contributor?䏭 Sentiments}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-008.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Gamon04, author = {Michael Gamon}, title = {Sentiment classification on customer feedback data: noisy data, large feature vectors, and the role of linguistic analysis}, booktitle = {Proceeding of COLING-04, the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, year = {2004}, pages = {841--847}, address = {Geneva, CH}, pdf = {Gamon04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.03.14}, url = {http://research.microsoft.com/nlp/publications/coling2004_sentiment.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Gamon05b, author = {Gamon, Michael and Aue, Anthony}, title = {Automatic identification of sentiment vocabulary: exploiting low association with known sentiment terms}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACL-05 Workshop on Feature Engineering for Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2005}, pages = {57--64}, address = {Ann Arbor, US}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Gamon05b.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://research.microsoft.com/~anthaue/sentiment_feats_camera.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Gamon05, author = {Gamon, Michael and Aue, Anthony and Corston-Oliver, Simon and Ringger, Eric}, title = {Pulse: Mining Customer Opinions from Free Text}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IDA-05, the 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis}, year = {2005}, volume = {3646}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {121--132}, address = {Madrid, ES}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, pdf = {Gamon05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://research.microsoft.com/~anthaue/pulse_paper.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Garg04b, author = {Garg, Ashutosh and Jayram,T. S. and Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar and Zhu, Huaiyu}, title = {Generalized Opinion Pooling}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, editor = {James G. Shanahan and Janyce Wiebe and Yan Qu}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.01.01} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Garg04, author = {Garg, Ashutosh and Jayram,T. S. and Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar and Zhu, Huaiyu}, title = {Generalized Opinion Pooling}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics}, year = {2004}, address = {Ft. Lauderdale, US}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/635271.html}, pdf = {Garg04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://rutcor.rutgers.edu/~amai/aimath04/AcceptedPapers/Garg-aimath04.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Ghose07, author = {Ghose, Anindya and Ipeirotis, Panagiotis and Sundararajan, Arun}, title = {Opinion Mining using Econometrics: A Case Study on Reputation Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-07, the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics}, year = {2007}, pages = {416--423}, address = {Prague, CZ}, month = {June}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Ghose07}, timestamp = {2007.07.02}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P07/P07-1053.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Goldberg06, author = {Andrew B. Goldberg and Xiaojin Zhu}, title = {Seeing stars when there aren't many stars: Graph-based semi-supervised learning for sentiment categorization}, booktitle = {HLT-NAACL 2006 Workshop on Textgraphs: Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing}, year = {2006}, address = {New York, NY}, pdf = {Goldberg06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~jerryzhu/pub/sslsa.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Grefenstette04b, author = {Grefenstette, Gregory and Qu, Yan and Evans, David A. and Shanahan, James G.}, title = {Validating the Coverage of Lexical Resources for Affect Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, editor = {James G. Shanahan and Janyce Wiebe and Yan Qu}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.01.01} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Grefenstette04, author = {Grefenstette, Gregory and Qu, Yan and Shanahan, James G. and Evans, David A.}, title = {Coupling Niche Browsers and Affect Analysis for an Opinion Mining Application}, booktitle = {Proceeding of RIAO-04}, year = {2004}, address = {Avignon, FR}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/728584.html}, pdf = {Grefenstette04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.riao.org/Proceedings-2004/papers/0140.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Hatzivassiloglou97, author = { Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios and McKeown, Kathleen R.}, title = {Predicting the semantic orientation of adjectives}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-97, 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {1997}, pages = {174--181}, address = {Madrid, ES}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/hatzivassiloglou97predicting.html}, doi = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=979640}, pdf = {Hatzivassiloglou97.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P97/P97-1023.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Hatzivassiloglou00, author = {Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios and Wiebe, Janyce M.}, title = {Effects of adjective orientation and gradability on sentence subjectivity}, booktitle = {Proceedings of COLING-00, 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, year = {2000}, pages = {299-305}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken, GE}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/432435.html}, doi = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=990864}, pdf = {Haztivassiloglou00.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/C/C00/C00-1044.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Hu06, author = {Minqing Hu and Bing Liu}, title = {Opinion Feature Extraction Using Class Sequential Rules}, booktitle = {Proceedings ofAAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-013.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Hu06b, author = {Minqing Hu and Bing Liu}, title = {Opinion Extraction and Summarization on the Web}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-06, the 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year = {2006}, address = {Boston, US}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/AAAI/2006/AAAI06-265.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Hu04, author = {Hu, Minqing and Liu, Bing}, title = {Mining and summarizing customer reviews}, booktitle = {Proceedings of KDD '04, the ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining}, year = {2004}, pages = {168--177}, address = {Seattle, US}, publisher = {ACM Press}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1014052.1014073}, isbn = {1-58113-888-9}, pdf = {Hu04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.unc.edu/Courses/comp290-90-f04/papers/p168-hu.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Hu04b, author = {Hu, Minqing and Liu, Bing}, title = {Mining Opinion Features in Customer Reviews}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-04, the 19th National Conference on Artificial Intellgience}, year = {2004}, address = {San Jose, US}, pdf = {Hu04b.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/~liub/publications/aaai04-featureExtract.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Hurst04, author = {Hurst, Matthew and Nigam, Kamal}, title = {Retrieving Topical Sentiments from Online Document Collections}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE, Document Recognition and Retrieval XI}, year = {2004}, number = {5296}, series = {Proceedings of SPIE}, pages = {27--34}, pdf = {Hurst04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.kamalnigam.com/papers/polarity-DRR04.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Inkpen04, author = {Inkpen, Diana Zaiu and Feiguina, Olga and Hirst, Graeme}, title = {Generating more-positive or more-negative text}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, address = {Stanford, US}, pdf = {Inkpen04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~diana/publications/affect_workshop.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Jindal06, author = {Nitin Jindal and Bing Liu}, title = {Mining Comparative Sentences and Relations}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-06, the 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year = {2006}, address = {Boston, US}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/AAAI/2006/AAAI06-209.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Jindal06b, author = {Nitin Jindal and Bing Liu}, title = {Identifying comparative sentences in text documents}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGIR-06, the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval}, year = {2006}, pages = {244--251}, address = {Seattle, US}, publisher = {ACM Press}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1148170.1148215}, isbn = {1-59593-369-7}, pdf = {Jindal06b}, timestamp = {2006.08.31}, url = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/~liub/publications/sigir06-comp.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kamps02, author = {Kamps, Jaap and Marx, Maarten}, title = {Words with attitude}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Global WordNet}, year = {2002}, pages = {332--341}, address = {Mysore, IN}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/506894.html}, pdf = {Kamps02.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://staff.science.uva.nl/~kamps/papers/wn.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kamps04, author = {Kamps, Jaap and Marx, Maarten and Mokken, R. ort. and {de Rijke}, Maarten}, title = {Using {WordNet} to measure semantic orientation of adjectives}, booktitle = {Proceedings of LREC-04, 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = {2004}, volume = {IV}, pages = {1115--1118}, address = {Lisbon, PT}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/kamps04using.html}, pdf = {Kamps04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://turing.science.uva.nl/~kamps/publications/2004/kamp:usin04.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kennedy05, author = { Kennedy, Alistair and Inkpen, Diana}, title = {Sentiment Classification of Movie and Product Reviews Using Contextual Valence Shifters}, booktitle = {Proceedings of FINEXIN-05, Workshop on the Analysis of Informal and Formal Information Exchange during Negotiations}, year = {2005}, address = {Ottawa, CA}, pdf = {Kennedy05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~diana/publications/sentiment.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kim06, author = {Kim, Soo-Min and Hovy, Eduard}, title = {Extracting Opinions, Opinion Holders, and Topics Expressed in Online News Media Text}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL/COLING Workshop on Sentiment and Subjectivity in Text}, year = {2006}, address = {Sidney, {AUS}}, pdf = {Kim06.pdf}, timestamp = {2007.06.06}, url = {http://www.isi.edu/~skim/Download/Papers/2006/Topic_and_Holder_ACL06WS.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kim05, author = {Kim, Soo-Min and Hovy, Eduard}, title = {Identifying Opinion Holders for Question Answering in Opinion Texts}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-05 Workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains}, year = {2005}, address = {Pittsburgh, US}, pdf = {Kim05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.isi.edu/~skim/Download/Papers/2005/WS1305SK.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kim05b, author = {Kim, Soo-Min and Hovy, Eduard}, title = {Automatic Detection of Opinion Bearing Words and Sentences}, booktitle = {Companion Volume to the Proceedings of IJCNLP-05, the Second International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing}, year = {2005}, pages = {61--66}, address = {Jeju Island, KR}, pdf = {Kim05b.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.isi.edu/~skim/Download/Papers/2005/ijcnlp_cameraready_letter.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kim04, author = {Kim, Soo-Min and Hovy, Eduard}, title = {Determining the Sentiment of Opinions}, booktitle = {Proceedings COLING-04, the Conference on Computational Linguistics}, year = {2004}, address = {Geneva, CH}, pdf = {Kim04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.isi.edu/~skim/Download/Papers/2004/Determining_Sentiment.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kobayashi06, author = {Nozomi Kobayashi and Ryu Iida and Kentaro Inui and Yuji Matsumoto}, title = {Opinion Mining on the Web by Extracting Subject-Aspect-Evaluation Relasions}, booktitle = {Proceedings ofAAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-018.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kobayashi04, author = { Kobayashi, Nozomi and Inui, Kentaro and Matsumoto, Yuji and Tateishi, Kenji and Fukushima, Toshikazu}, title = {Collecting Evaluative Expressions for Opinion Extraction}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IJCNLP-04, the 1st International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing}, year = {2004}, volume = {3248}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {596--605}, address = {Hainan Island, CN}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, doi = {10.1007/b105612}, pdf = {Kobayashi04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://cl.naist.jp/~nozomi-k/papers/ijcnlp04.pdf} } @ARTICLE{Koppel06, author = {Koppel, Moshe and Schler, Jonathan}, title = {The importance of neutral examples for learning sentiment}, journal = {Computational Intelligence}, year = {2006}, volume = {22}, pages = {100-116}, number = {2}, month = {May}, doi = {http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1467-8640.2006.00276.x}, pdf = {Koppel06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~koppel/papers/neutrals-12.12.05.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Koppel05, author = { Koppel, Moshe and Schler, Jonathan}, title = {The importance of neutral examples for learning sentiment}, booktitle = {Proceedings of FINEXIN-05, Workshop on the Analysis of Informal and Formal Information Exchange during Negotiations}, year = {2005}, address = {Ottawa, CA}, pdf = {Koppel05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://nebel.site.uottawa.ca/workshop/Papers/koppel_schler.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Koppel04, author = {Koppel, Moshe and Shtrimberg, Itai}, title = {Good News or Bad News? Let the Market Decide}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, address = {Standford, US}, pdf = {Koppel04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~koppel/papers/sentimentchapter-koppel.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Ku06, author = {Lun-Wei Ku and Hsiu-Wei Ho and Hsin-Hsi Chen}, title = {Novel Relationship Discovery Using Opinions Mined from the Web}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-06, the 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year = {2006}, address = {Boston, US}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/AAAI/2006/AAAI06-213.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Ku06b, author = {Lun-Wei Ku and Yu-Ting Liang and Hsin-Hsi Chen}, title = {Opinion Extraction, Summarization and Tracking in News and Blog Corpora}, booktitle = {Proceedings ofAAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-020.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kudo04, author = {Kudo, Taku and Matsumoto, Yuji}, title = {A Boosting Algorithm for Classification of Semi-Structured Text}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EMNLP-04, 9th Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2004}, address = {Barcelon, ES}, pdf = {Kudo04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://chasen.org/~taku/publications/emnlp2004-1.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Leung06, author = {Leung, Cane Wing-ki and Chan, Stephen Chi-fai and Chung, Fu-lai}, title = {Integrating Collaborative Filtering and Sentiment Analysis: A Rating Inference Approach}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The ECAI 2006 Workshop on Recommender Systems}, year = {2006}, pages = {62--66}, address = {Riva del Garda, I}, pdf = {Leung06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.11.06} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lin06, author = {Lin, Wei-Hao and Wilson, Theresa and Wiebe, Janyce and Hauptmann, Alexander}, title = {Which Side are You on? Identifying Perspectives at the Document and Sentence Levels}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CoNLL-06, the Tenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning}, year = {2006}, pages = {109--116}, address = {New York, US}, month = {June}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, doi = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu//W/W06/W06-2915.pdf}, pdf = {Lin06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.31}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~twilson/pubs/conll06.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Liu05, author = { Liu,Bing and Hu, Minqing and Cheng, Junsheng}, title = {Opinion observer: analyzing and comparing opinions on the Web}, booktitle = {Proceedings of WWW '05, the 14th international conference on World Wide Web}, year = {2005}, pages = {342--351}, address = {Chiba, JP}, publisher = {ACM Press}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1060745.1060797}, isbn = {1-59593-046-9}, pdf = {Liu05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www2005.org/cdrom/docs/p342.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Liu03, author = { Liu, Hugo and Lieberman, Henry and Selker, Ted}, title = {A Model of Textual Affect Sensing Using Real-World Knowledge}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IUI-03, the 8th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces}, year = {2003}, pages = {125--132}, address = {Miami, US}, publisher = {ACM Press}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/liu03model.html}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/604045.604067}, isbn = {1-58113-586-6}, pdf = {Liu03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://web.media.mit.edu/~hugo/publications/papers/IUI2003-affectsensing.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mihalcea06, author = {Rada Mihalcea \& Hugo Liu}, title = {A corpus-based approach to finding happiness}, booktitle = {Proceedings ofAAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, pdf = {Mihalcea06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.02.23}, url = {http://web.media.mit.edu/~hugo/publications/papers/CAAW2006-happiness.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Maeireizo05, author = {Maeireizo, Beatriz and Litman, Diane and Hwa, Rebecca}, title = {Co-training for Predicting Emotions with Spoken Dialogue Data}, booktitle = {Companion Proceedings of ACL-04, the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2005}, address = {Barcelona, ES}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/697598.html}, pdf = {Maeireizo05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~litman/maeireizo.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Matsumoto05, author = {Matsumoto,Shotaro and Takamura, Hiroya and Okumura, Manabu}, title = {Sentiment Classification Using Word Sub-sequences and Dependency Sub-trees}, booktitle = {Proceeding of PAKDD'05, the 9th Pacific-Asia Conference on Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}, year = {2005}, editor = {Tu Bao Ho and David Cheung and Huan Li}, volume = {3518}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {301--310}, address = {Hanoi, VN}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/2729654/0}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11430919_37}, pdf = {Matsumoto05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.lr.pi.titech.ac.jp/~shotaro/publication/050520abst.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{McDonald07, author = {McDonald, Ryan and Hannan, Kerry and Neylon, Tyler and Wells, Mike and Reynar, Jeff}, title = {Structured Models for Fine-to-Coarse Sentiment Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-07, the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics}, year = {2007}, pages = {432--439}, address = {Prague, CZ}, month = {June}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {McDonald07}, timestamp = {2007.07.02}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P07/P07-1055.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Medlock07, author = {Medlock, Ben and Briscoe, Ted}, title = {Weakly Supervised Learning for Hedge Classification in Scientific Literature}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-07, the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics}, year = {2007}, pages = {992--999}, address = {Prague, CZ}, month = {June}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Medlock07}, timestamp = {2007.07.02}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P07/P07-1125.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mi06, author = {Hongcheng Mi and I-Heng Mei}, title = {Searching Sentiments in Blogs}, booktitle = {Proceedings ofAAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-026.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mihalcea07, author = {Mihalcea, Rada and Banea, Carmen and Wiebe, Janyce}, title = {Learning Multilingual Subjective Language via Cross-Lingual Projections}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-07, the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics}, year = {2007}, pages = {976--983}, address = {Prague, CZ}, month = {June}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Mihalcea07}, timestamp = {2007.07.02}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P07/P07-1123.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mihalcea05, author = {Mihalcea, Rada and Strapparava, Carlo}, title = {Bootstraping for fun: Web-based construction of large data sets for humor recognition}, booktitle = {Proceedings of FINEXIN 2005, Workshop on the Analysis of Informal and Formal Information Exchange during Negotiations}, year = {2005}, address = {Ottawa, CA}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://nebel.site.uottawa.ca/workshop/Papers/mihalcea_strapparava.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mishne06, author = {Gilad Mishne and Natalie Glance}, title = {Predicting Movie Sales from Blogger Sentiment}, booktitle = {Proceedings ofAAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-030.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mishne06b, author = {Gilad Mishne and Maarten de Rijke}, title = {Capturing Global Mood Levels Using Blog Posts}, booktitle = {Proceedings ofAAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-028.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mishne06c, author = {Gilad Mishne and Maarten de Rijke}, title = {MoodViews: Tools for Blog Mood Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings ofAAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-029.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Morinaga02, author = {Morinaga, Satoshi and Yamanishi, Kenji and Tateishi, Kenji and Fukushima, Toshikazu}, title = {Mining product reputations on the {W}eb}, booktitle = {Proceedings of KDD-02, 8th ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}, year = {2002}, pages = {341--349}, address = {Edmonton, CA}, publisher = {ACM Press}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/565856.html}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/775047.775098}, isbn = {1-58113-567-X}, pdf = {Morinaga02.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.labs.nec.co.jp/DTmining/members/yamanishi/prm4.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Morris04, author = { Morris, Jane and Hirst, Graeme}, title = {The Subjectivity of Lexical Cohesion in Text}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, address = {Stanford, US}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/2739337/0}, pdf = {Morris04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://ftp.cs.toronto.edu/pub/gh/Morris+Hirst-2004-EAAT.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mulder04, author = {Mulder, Matthijs and Nijholt, Anton and den Uyl, Marten and Terpstra, Peter}, title = {A Lexical Grammatical Implementation of Affect}, booktitle = {Proceedings of TSD-04, the 7th International Conference Text, Speech and Dialogue}, year = {2004}, volume = {3206}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {171--178}, address = {Brno, CZ}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, pdf = {Mulder04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~anijholt/artikelen/tsd2004.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mullen04, author = {Mullen, Tony and Collier, Nigel}, title = {Sentiment analysis using support vector machines with diverse information sources}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EMNLP-04, 9th Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2004}, address = {Barcelon, ES}, pdf = {Mullen04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~mullen/Papers/emnlp_corrected.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mullen06, author = {Mullen, Tony and Malouf, Robert}, title = {A preliminary investigation into sentiment analysis of informal political discourse}, booktitle = {Proceedings ofAAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, pdf = {Mullen06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.03.14}, url = {http://bulba.sdsu.edu/~malouf/papers/aaai-politics.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Na05, author = {Jin-Cheon Na and Christopher S. G. Khoo and Syin Chan and Norraihan Bte Hamzah}, title = {Sentiment-based search in digital libraries}, booktitle = {Proceedings of JCDL-05, the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries}, year = {2005}, pages = {143--144}, address = {Denver, US}, publisher = {ACM Press}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1065385.1065416}, isbn = {1-58113-876-8}, pdf = {Na05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1065416&type=pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Nasukawa03, author = {Nasukawa, Tetsuya and Yi, Jeonghee}, title = {Sentiment Analysis: Capturing Favorability using Natural Language Processing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the K-CAP-03, 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Capture}, year = {2003}, pages = {70--77}, address = {New York, US}, publisher = {ACM Press}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/2576774/0}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/945645.945658}, isbn = {1-58113-583-1}, location = {Sanibel Island, US}, pdf = {Nasukawa03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Nigam04, author = {Nigam, Kamal and Hurst, Matthew}, title = {Towards a Robust Metric of Opinion}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, address = {Standford, US}, pdf = {Nigam04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.kamalnigam.com/papers/metric-EAAT04.pdf} } @BOOK{Osgood67, title = {The Measurement of Meaning}, publisher = {University of Illinois Press}, year = {1967}, editor = {University of Illinois Press}, author = {Osgood, Charles E. and Suci, George J. and Tannenbaum, Percy H.}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.press.uillinois.edu/pre95/0-252-74539-6.html} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Owsley06, author = {Sara Owsley and Sanjay Sood and Kristian J. Hammond}, title = {Domain Specific Affective Classification of Documents}, booktitle = {Proceedings ofAAAI-CAAW-06, the Spring Symposia on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs}, year = {2006}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2006/SS-06-03/SS06-03-036.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Pang05, author = {Pang, Bo and Lee, Lillian}, title = {Seeing stars: Exploiting class relationships for sentiment categorization with respect to rating scales}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-05, 43nd Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2005}, pages = {115--124}, address = {Ann Arbor, US}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Pang05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/pabo/papers/acl05_neutral.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Pang04, author = {Pang, Bo and Lee, Lillian}, title = {A Sentimental Education: {S}entiment Analysis using Subjectivity Summarization based on Minimum Cuts}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-04, 42nd Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2004}, pages = {271--278}, address = {Barcelona, ES}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Pang04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/llee/papers/cutsent.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Pang02, author = {Pang, Bo and Lee, Lillian and Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar}, title = {Thumbs up? Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning Techniques}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EMNLP-02, the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2002}, pages = {79--86}, address = {Philadelphia, US}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Pang02.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {Association for Computational Linguistics} } @TECHREPORT{Piwek02, author = {Piwek, Paul}, title = {An Annotated Bibliography of Affective Natural Language Generation}, institution = {Information Technology Research Institute (ITRI), University of Brighton}, year = {2002}, number = {ITRI-02-02}, note = {Tech report = version 1.0. There was a version 1.3 as of 2003, see http://www.itri.bton.ac.uk/projects/neca/}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/piwek02annotated.html}, pdf = {Piwek02}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.itri.brighton.ac.uk/projects/neca/affect-bib.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Popescu05, author = {Popescu, Ana-Maria and Etzioni, Oren}, title = {Extracting Product Features and Opinions from Reviews}, booktitle = {Proceedings of HLT-EMNLP-05, the Human Language Technology Conference/Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2005}, pages = {339--346}, address = {Vancouver, CA}, pdf = {Popescu05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/amp/emnlp05_opine.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Read05, author = {Read, Jonathon}, title = {Using Emoticons to reduce Dependency in Machine Learning Techniques for Sentiment Classification}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-05, 43nd Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2005}, address = {Ann Arbor, US}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Read05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Users/jlr24/papers/read-acl05.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Riloff06, author = {Riloff, Ellen and Patwardhan, Siddharth and Wiebe, Janyce}, title = {Feature Subsumption for Opinion Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EMNLP-06, the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2006}, pages = {440--448}, address = {Sydney, AUS}, month = {July}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, doi = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu//W/W06/W06-1652.pdf}, pdf = {Riloff06}, timestamp = {2006.08.31}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/emnlp06.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Riloff03a, author = {Riloff, Ellen and Wiebe, Janyce}, title = {Learning extraction patterns for subjective expressions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EMNLP-03, 8th Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2003}, pages = {105嚙?112}, address = {Sapporo, JP}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/riloff96using.html}, pdf = {Riloff03b.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.utah.edu/~riloff/psfiles/emnlp03.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Riloff05, author = {Riloff, Ellen and Wiebe, Janyce and Phillips, William}, title = {Exploiting Subjectivity Classification to Improve Information Extraction}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-05 , the 20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year = {2005}, pages = {1106-1111}, address = {Pittsburgh, US}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, pdf = {Riloff05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/aaai05.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Riloff03, author = {Riloff, Ellen and Wiebe, Janyce and Wilson, Theresa}, title = {Learning subjective nouns using extraction pattern bootstrapping}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CONLL-03, 7th Conference on Natural Language Learning}, year = {2003}, editor = {Walter Daelemans and Miles Osborne}, pages = {25--32}, address = {Edmonton, CA}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.lcs.mit.edu/634821.html}, pdf = {Riloff03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/W/W03/W03-0404.pdf} } @BOOK{Stone66, title = {The General Inquirer: A Computer Approach to Content Analysis}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = {1966}, editor = {MIT Press}, author = {Stone, Philip J. and Dunphy, Dexter C. and Smith, Marshall S. and Ogilvie, Daniel M.}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.webuse.umd.edu:9090/} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Stoyanov04, author = {Stoyanov, Veselin and Cardie, Claire and Litman, Diane and Wiebe, Janyce}, title = {Evaluating an Opinion Annotation Scheme Using a New Multi-Perspective Question and Answer Corpus}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, editor = {James G. Shanahan and Janyce Wiebe and Yan Qu}, address = {Stanford, US}, pdf = {Stoyanov04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.cs.cornell.edu/Info/People/cardie/papers/aaai-sss-04.pdf} } @ARTICLE{Subasic01, author = {Subasic, Pero and Huettner, Alison}, title = {Affect analysis of text using fuzzy semantic typing}, journal = {IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy Systems}, year = {2001}, volume = {9}, pages = {483--496}, number = {4}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/subasic00affect.html}, pdf = {Subasic01.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/91/20371/00940962.pdf?tp=&arnumber=940962&isnumber=20371} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Suzuki06, author = {Suzuki, Yasuhiro and Takamura, Hiroya and Okumura, Manabu}, title = {Application of Semi-supervised Learning to Evaluative Expression Classification}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CICLing-06, the 7th international conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing}, year = {2006}, pages = {502--513}, address = {Mexico City, MX}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11671299_52}, pdf = {Suzuki06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.lr.pi.titech.ac.jp/blogwatcher/paper/cicling2006.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Taboada06, author = {M. Taboada and C. Anthony and K. Voll}, title = {Methods for Creating Semantic Orientation Databases}, booktitle = {Proceeding of LREC-06, the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = {2006}, pages = {427--432}, address = {Genova, IT}, pdf = {Taboada06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.sfu.ca/~mtaboada/docs/Taboada_et_al_LREC_2006.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Taboada04, author = {Taboada, Maite and Grieve, Jack}, title = {Analyzing Appraisal Automatically}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, pages = {158--161}, address = {Stanford, US}, pdf = {Taboada04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.sfu.ca/~mtaboada/docs/TaboadaGrieveAppraisal.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Takamura06, author = {Hiroya Takamura and Takashi Inui and Manabu Okumura}, title = {Latent Variable Models for Semantic Orientations of Phrases}, booktitle = {Proceedings EACL-06, the 11rd Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2006}, pages = {201--208}, address = {Trento, IT}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/takamura06latent.html}, pdf = {Takamura06}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.lr.pi.titech.ac.jp/~takamura/pubs/eacl2006.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Takamura05, author = {Takamura, Hiroya and Inui, Takashi and Okumura, Manabu}, title = {Extracting Emotional Polarity of Words using Spin Model}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-05, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2005}, address = {Ann Arbor, US}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pdf = {Takamura05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P05/P05-1017.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Takamura04, author = {Takamura, Hiroya and Inui, Takashi and Okumura, Manabu}, title = {Extracting Emotional Polarity of Words using Spin Model}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AM2004, the Joint Workshop of Vietnamese Society of AI, SIGKBS-JSAI, ICS-IPSJ and IEICE-SIGAI on Active Mining}, year = {2004}, address = {Hanoi, VN}, pdf = {Takamura04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.lr.pi.titech.ac.jp/~takamura/pubs/SpinPN_AM.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Tsou05, author = {Tsou, Benjamin K.Y. and Yuen, Raymond W.M. and Kwong, Oi Yee and Lai, Tom B.Y. and Wong, Wei Lung}, title = {Polarity Classification of Celebrity Coverage in the Chinese Press}, booktitle = {Proceeding of the International Conference on Intelligence Analysis}, year = {2005}, address = {McLean, US}, pdf = {Tsou05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {https://analysis.mitre.org/proceedings/Final_Papers_Files/109_Camera_Ready_Paper.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Turney02, author = {Turney, Peter}, title = {Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down? {S}emantic Orientation Applied to Unsupervised Classification of Reviews}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-02, 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2002}, pages = {417--424}, address = {Philadelphia, US}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/turney02thumbs.html}, doi = {http://cogprints.org/2321/}, pdf = {Turney02.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P02-1053.pdf} } @ARTICLE{Turney03, author = {Turney, Peter D. and Littman, Michael L.}, title = {Measuring praise and criticism: {I}nference of semantic orientation from association}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems}, year = {2003}, volume = {21}, pages = {315--346}, number = {4}, address = {New York, US}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/turney03measuring.html}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/944012.944013}, issn = {1046-8188}, pdf = {Turney03.pdf}, publisher = {ACM Press}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://cogprints.org/3164/} } @ARTICLE{Valitutti04, author = {Valitutti, Alessandro and Strapparava, Carlo and Stock, Oliviero}, title = {Developing Affective Lexical Resources}, journal = {PsychNology Journal}, year = {2004}, volume = {2}, pages = {61--83}, number = {1}, pdf = {Valitutti04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.psychnology.org/PSYCHNOLOGY_JOURNAL_2_1_VALITUTTI.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Vegnaduzzo04, author = {Vegnaduzzo, Stefano}, title = {Acquisition of Subjective Adjectives with Limited Resources}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications}, year = {2004}, editor = {James G. Shanahan and Janyce Wiebe and Yan Qu}, address = {Stanford, US}, timestamp = {2006.01.01} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Whitelaw05, author = {Whitelaw, Casey and Garg, Navendu and Argamon, Shlomo}, title = {Using Appraisal Taxonomies for Sentiment Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of MCLC-05, the 2nd Midwest Computational Linguistic Colloquium}, year = {2005}, address = {Columbus, US}, pdf = {Whitelaw05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://lingcog.iit.edu/doc/appraisal_sentiment.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Whitelaw05b, author = {Whitelaw, Casey and Garg, Navendu and Argamon, Shlomo}, title = {Using Appraisal Taxonomies for Sentiment Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CIKM-05, the ACM SIGIR Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, year = {2005}, address = {Bremen, DE}, pdf = {Whitelaw05b.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://lingcog.iit.edu/doc/appraisal_sentiment_cikm.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Wiebe00, author = {Wiebe, Janyce}, title = {Learning Subjective Adjectives from Corpora}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-00, 17th Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence}, year = {2000}, pages = {735--740}, address = {Austin, US}, publisher = {AAAI Press / The MIT Press}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/wiebe00learning.html}, doi = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=721121\&dl=ACM\&coll=\&CFID=15151515\&CFTOKEN=6184618}, isbn = {0-262-51112-6}, pdf = {Wiebe00.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/aaai2000.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Wiebe03, author = {Wiebe, Janyce and Breck, E. and Buckley, Christopher and Cardie, Claire and Davis, P. and Fraser, B. and Litman, Diane and Pierce, D. and Riloff, Ellen and Wilson, Theresa and Day, D. and Maybury, Mark}, title = {Recognizing and Organizing Opinions Expressed in the World Press}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium on New Directions in Question Answering}, year = {2003}, pdf = {Wiebe03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.utah.edu/~riloff/psfiles/aaaisymp03.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Wiebe99, author = {Wiebe, Janyce and Bruce, Rebecca F. and O'Hara, Thomas P.}, title = {Development and use of a gold-standard data set for subjectivity classifications}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 37th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics on Computational Linguistics}, year = {1999}, pages = {246--253}, address = {College Park,US}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, citeseerurl = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/wiebe99development.html}, isbn = {1-55860-609-3}, pdf = {Wiebe99.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P99/P99-1032.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Wiebe06, author = {Janyce Wiebe and Rada Mihalcea}, title = {Word sense and subjectivity}, booktitle = {Proceedings of COLING/ACL-06, the 21st Conference on Computational Linguistics / Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2006}, pages = {1065--1072}, address = {Sydney, AUS}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, doi = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu//P/P06/P06-1134.pdf}, pdf = {Wiebe06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.31}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/acl06.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Wiebe05b, author = {Wiebe, Janyce and Riloff, Ellen}, title = {Creating Subjective and Objective Sentence Classifiers from Unannotated Texts}, booktitle = {Proceeding of CICLing-05, International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics.}, year = {2005}, volume = {3406}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {475--486}, address = {Mexico City, MX}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, pdf = {Wiebe05b.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/cicling05.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Wiebe02, author = {Wiebe, Janyce and Wilson, Theresa}, title = {Learning to disambiguate potentially subjective expressions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th CoNLL}, year = {2002}, pages = {112--118}, address = {Taipei, TW}, doi = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1118887}, pdf = {Wiebe02.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/conll02.pdf} } @ARTICLE{Wiebe05, author = {Wiebe, Janyce and Wilson, Theresa and Cardie, Claire}, title = {Annotating Expressions of Opinions and Emotions in Language}, journal = {Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = {2005}, volume = {1}, pages = {0-0}, number = {2}, pdf = {Wiebe05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/lre05withappendix.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Wiebe01, author = {Wiebe, Janyce M. and Wilson, Theresa and Bell, Matthew}, title = {Identifying Collocations for Recognizing Opinions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACL/EACL Workshop on Collocation}, year = {2001}, address = {Toulouse, FR}, citeseerurl = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/wiebe01identifying.html}, pdf = {Wiebe01.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/acl01wkshop.ps} } @ARTICLE{Wiebe04, author = {Wiebe, Janyce M.and Wilson Theresa and Bruce, Rebecca F. and Bell, Matthew and Martin, Melanie}, title = {Learning Subjective Language}, journal = {Computational linguistics}, year = {2004}, volume = {30}, pages = {277--308}, number = {3}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/0891201041850885}, pdf = {Wiebe04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/clfinalsub.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Wilson05b, author = {Wilson, Theresa and Wiebe, Janyce}, title = {Annotating Attributions and Private States}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotation II: Pie in the Sky}, year = {2005}, pages = {53--60}, address = {Ann Arbor, US}, pdf = {Wilson05b.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu//W/W05/W05-0308.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Wilson05, author = {Wilson, Theresa and Wiebe, Janyce and Hoffmann, Paul}, title = {Recognizing Contextual Polarity in Phrase-Level Sentiment Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Human Language Technologies Conference/Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (HLT/EMNLP 2005)}, year = {2005}, address = {Vancouver, CA}, pdf = {Wilson05.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~twilson/pubs/hltemnlp05.pdf} } @ARTICLE{Wilson06, author = {Wilson,Theresa and Wiebe,Janyce and Hwa,Rebecca}, title = {Recognizing Strong And Weak Opinion Clauses}, journal = {Computational Intelligence}, year = {2006}, volume = {22}, pages = {73-99}, number = {2}, month = {May}, doi = {http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-8640.2006.00275.x}, eprint = {http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1467-8640.2006.00275.x}, pdf = {Wilson06.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.31}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/ci06.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Wilson04, author = {Wilson, Theresa and Wiebe, Janyce and Hwa, Rebecca}, title = {Just how mad are you? {F}inding strong and weak opinion clauses}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-04, 21st Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence}, year = {2004}, pages = {761--769}, address = {San Jose, US}, publisher = {AAAI Press / The MIT Press}, pdf = {Wilson04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~hwa/aaai04.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Yi03, author = {Yi, Jeonghee and Nasukawa, Tetsuya and Bunescu, Razvan and Niblack, Wayne}, title = {Sentiment Analyzer: Extracting Sentiments about a Given Topic using Natural Language Processing Techniques}, booktitle = {Proceeding of ICDM-03, the 3ird IEEE International Conference on Data Mining}, year = {2003}, pages = {427- 434}, address = {Melbourne, US}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICDM.2003.1250949}, pdf = {Yi03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/razvan/papers/icdm2003.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Yi05, author = {Yi, Jeonghee and Niblack, Wayne}, title = {Sentiment Mining in WebFountain.}, booktitle = {Proceedings ICDE-05, the 21st International Conference on Data Engineering}, year = {2005}, pages = {1073-1083}, address = {Tokyo, JP}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICDE.2005.132}, ee = {http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icde/2005/2285/00/22851073abs.htm}, isbn = {0-7695-2285-8}, timestamp = {2006.01.01} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Yih04, author = {Yih, W. and Chang, P. and Kim, W.}, title = {Mining Online Deal Forums for Hot Deals}, booktitle = {Proceedings of WI-04, the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence}, year = {2004}, pages = {384-390}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/WI.2004.10068}, pdf = {Yih04.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.01}, url = {http://scottyih.org/YihChKi-wi04.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Yu03, author = {Yu, Hong and Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios}, title = {Towards Answering Opinion Questions: {S}eparating Facts from Opinions and Identifying the Polarity of Opinion Sentences}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EMNLP-03, 8th Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2003}, editor = {Michael Collins and Mark Steedman}, pages = {129--136}, address = {Sapporo, JP}, doi = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1119355.1119372}, pdf = {Yu03.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.08.30}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W03-1017.pdf} } @BOOK{Shanahan05, title = {Computing attitude and affect in text}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2005}, editor = {Shanahan, James and Qu, Yan and Wiebe, Janyce}, isbn = {1-4020-4026-1}, timestamp = {2006.01.01} }