====== Invited Talk at the Web Scale NLP Workshop, KAIST, Korea... ====== {{groupnews:kaist2008workshop.png?100 |}} March 21, 2008. Prof. King will present an invited talk on "Chinese Readability Assessment and Applications" at the [[http://registration.co.kr/workshop/|Web Scale Natural Language Processing (NLP) Workshop]] sponsored by Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) and hosted by Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). The two-day workshop presented an overview of NLP, information retrieval, text processing, etc. from researchers from the Asia Pacific regions. * @Misc{seminar2008a, OPTkey = {}, author = {Irwin King}, title = {Invited Talk: Chinese Readability Assessment and Applications, }, booktitle = {The Web Scale Natural Language Processing Workshop}, howpublished = {}, month = {February 21,}, year = {2008}, address = {The Web Scale Natural Language Processing Workshop which is sponsored by Microsoft Research Asia and hosted by Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)}, note = {}, annote = {}, url = {http://appsrv.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/KAIST2008.pdf} } You are welcome to download other notes from the "[[:pb:interview|Interviews, Invited Talks, and Seminars]]" page. /* ~~CL~~ */ \\ \\ {{ groupnews:msra-kaist_nlp_workshop.jpg?300 |}} ~~DISCUSSION~~