====== IK0602 Conference Management System ====== ===== Academic Conference ===== ==== Important things in an academic conference ==== * Registration (basic information, role) * Paper submission * Program Committee * Track Chair * Program Committee * Reviewer * Review process * Input * Summarize (statistics) * Select * Account * Generating proceedings * Generating receipts * Generating badges * Mailing list control ==== Summary of functions provided by ICONIP2006 ==== - Registration\\ * Use email address as User ID * Auto reply after registration * Information required after registration, fill under Profile * First Name * Last Name * Affiliation * Department * Country * Area of Expertise\\ \\ - Home\\ * Show information * Latest News * Account Information * Personal Information * Technical Information\\ \\ - Submission\\ * Submit paper (auto reply by email) * Information required * Paper Title * Email of Authors * Student Paper * Topics * Abstract * Upload File (pdf file only) * Delete paper * Download paper * Modify paper\\ \\ - Assignment\\ \\ - Statistics\\ * User Statistics * Total no. of user * Other statistics according by - Type (e.g Adiminstrators, Authors etc.) - Area of Interest * Submissions Statistics * Total no. of submissions * Other stat. according by: - Publisher - Type (regular/ student) - No. of authors (e.g. how many paper have 1 author only) - No. of paper (e.g. how many ppl submit 1 paper) - Areas - rejection, accept oral, accept poster rate according by country\\ \\ - Email\\ * email to specific group of user * Administrators * Honorary chairs * General chair * Program chair * Program committees \\ \\ - Admin\\ * list of papers, the information show * Type (regular/ student) * State (reject / accept) * assignment * Information show in beta version only * No. of reviewed * Session (oral/ poster/ reject) * Score * S.D. * remark of Program Committee * Search paper, filer by * Country * review status * paper type * paper topic * Filer in beta version only * remarks * no. of assignment \\ \\ * Function provided in beta version only * Reviewers, show the no. of assignment, no. of assignment have been done * Program chair * Program Committee * Reviewer * Review report * Set review report email message * Download review report === Reference Link === [[https://conference.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/iconip2006-beta/login.php|iconip2006]] ==== Important Conferences ==== [[http://www.iconip2006.org/|International Conference on Neural Information Processing]]